Guys lots of Guys, Hey and some girls I need someone to tell all the dirty details to. Looking for guys 18-28. I am interested in men who are attractive (I know I'm vain) and just want to have fun. Of course I have my preferances, who doesn't i'm 5'3 so everyone is taller then me but I consistently wear heels at about 7-8 inches in height so if you have issues with girls being taller then you, Then you better be pretty tall 5'7 to about 5'10 is good for me. I like pircings and tattos and spikey hair. I'm more into the skater looking type, but remember it's just a preferance. GQ guys are kinda hott to. I like dark hair. mine is red at the moment but, check back next week. I will not even mess with gay bashers you can have your opinions, but this is one issue that is close to home and I won't hear it. Live and let live. I love concerts. Rock concerts. I'm wanrt to talk to people in my area so that maybe we can meet. You know if both parties are interested. Let's see what else. No bad boys, you can look like a bad boy but, if you've been in jail on several occasions and maybe where an ankel braclet Im not for you. I had my bad days but, long behind me. (What Can I say I started young). Now some personality things ( just so that i don't sound to vain) Someone who understands that I have a son, so I can't always drop everything to hang out. I like family oriented people. Because family is all you have left in the end. NO NEEDY EX-GIRLFRIENDS. You know the ones who you have no kids with but, consistenly need rides home and call and just show up. yeah out of experiance. NO. Someone who has no control issues. Drinking problems are a big no no. Again this is past experiance talking. Someone who likes music and art. Someone who has understanding and compassion for the rest of the world and knows that there are problems happening even out of his back yard. Someone who knows the importance of working and not depending solely on other people. Well I'm sure I'll think of more later.