There isn't much that I can say. Most people who will read this will know who I am. Some people won't know how I have changed over the years. My most recent friends know how I am so please bare with me as a use this section to catch up some old friends. I have become more outgoing in the past few years, I party, throw parties, go out, and I have made it my mission to meet at least one new person a day. I have also gotten over my fear of what people think of me. I still care alittle, only if I respect the person and look up to them. As for anyone else out there that don't like me for me, fuck you. I will not change for anyone. I am who I am, and I like me. I recently have been hired as a shop foreman for Excitement Technologies Group Inc. in Dallas Texas. I started in Aug and like my job. I deal with special effects equipment and lasers. So, in short I get paid to play with really cool stuff all day. For those of you who know me, I get to play with fire and pyro, so you know I am having fun. I will return to dance one day, even though I was told that I wouldn't dance again. So I still am as determined as I have always been, if not more. If I left out any information that you want to know, ask me. I'll get back to you. Remember, friends are forever in my mind, unless you decide differently. I will always fight for my friends.