Painting, Technology, there are too many interests I have...
People who like people from all walks of life
Stone Roses, Usher, Jay-z, COUNTRY, classical, IPOD changed my life. The regular mix of Hip Hop, 70's stuff, throw in some soundtrack, some scores, and then how could we all forget the all important music of my heart land....Its like a tossed salad that sounds great individually, but if they were to all be played at the same time, it would sound something like a war siren. MUSIC IS LIFE!
Something with a damn good story, I like a good story be it of friendship, hardship, loveship, humourship, I will get on that damn ship and watch it if the story is good. Recent killer good flicks, Riding Giants, Friday Night Lights, Little black book, hmmm... and who could forget the hilarious WHITE CASTLE.
I do love lounging to a cuppa good tea and some cookies and shows. The extent of TV that we watch is well in truth quite ill. I would have to say some top favourites are sweet National Geo and Discovery documentaries or JI LU PIANS! (for you asian brothers and sisters) Then of course when you have satellite too (Dao Ban) Satellite for that matter you can relax to an array of retarded shows like Blind Date and 5th Wheel, (personally they have no content and only fill air time) Them music channels like MTV and Channel V seem to be going down the drain, so I get super excited when i see the likes of shows that require endurance and task like survior and the amazing race. PUSH and Proding at human capabilities. A good laugh always comes with those filipino ads that are constantly broadcasted too. But right down to the shows, Will and Grace, Flintstones (what a classic) its brother the Jetsons, Fraiser, West wing, Awaken, anything along the subjects of the supernatural (EXCEPT FOR BUFFY) who id rather see taken off air permanently. (THAT NOSE, for those who I have known for a while understand my referal to it)
URBAN TRIBES that is supposed to tell the story of basicailly the life that the crew here live in. Our refusal to pay entrance to any club or party, or constant outings at new openings and fashion shows, and the close knit group that comes together and will ape on those that try to harm it. Otherwise im a sap for chicken soup series, cup of comfort, books concerning religion and remote regions, and well im a girl so the magazines that teach you "are you a good friend" and the likes of " what type of personality are you" Anything spiritual or a lil bit out of the ordinary keeps life interesting too. Along with my collection of books on Hinduism, the art , the culture, the rites, etc. I dont have time to read that much anymore. BAD JANET!!!! oh and once again the discovery channel books that come out.
My heros in life are many. For each time we meet someone, date someone, be-friend someone they will teach us a bit about ourselves that we previously did not know. Heros are people that are glorified due to personal teachings. I cannot name a single person. But we can start from Elementary school (those that taught me what i did not want to be like as a parent, to teach my children acceptance and not ignorance, for the nuns that taught me what a religion should not be about, and for those that gave me a strong standing for the next years to come. Middle School - those that taught me about being shy and that boys will throw things in your hair if they like you, that your future best friend could be your current french class partner that you HATE. And that people leave you in life and you leave people behind, but its okay because there will be always more people. Highschool taught me about death, pain, that people kill each other for no reason, and that no matter what you go through those friends will seriously always be there for you, it taught me to cherish friendships that were worth it, and that your first sorta crush is not neccasarily your last. University was well a life changing experiance. I dont think i have seen myself change and grow just as quickly as those years. Filled with a waterfall of emotions, it taught me sometimes you just cant live with your friends if you want to remain friends. Sometimes you have to just walk out the door with a single bag packed and never look back again, that people are back stabbers, that people say a lot of things they dont mean from the heart, and once again that your old friends will always be your best friends. I learnt that hardship and endurance will only get you so far. I learnt about love, the best lesson of all and sometimes that love is simply not enough, and on the flip side that sometimes love will ruin all your dreams, and affect more people that you know. That one action WILL create a chain of actions that change every bodies lives. And aftergraduation, sigh that work is hard, paying bills aint too easy, but you will most likely end up in a job that revolves around your interests rather than your formal studies. I learnt to put on great events, and be much more sponanious and enjoy life for all those moments. I learnt that grand hyatt would bring me such beauty for the future, and that I acutally liked POKER! hmmmm.... I met some fantastic people that would once again change my life and well I had a piece of DIM SUM and loved it a hell of a lot.