~ Introduction ~The Power of a WishWishes are powerful things. They bring the hope of a better tomorrow. They invite the power of the divine into our lives. In truth, Wishes are the simplest form of magic. They require no special clothing, no special tools, and no special places to be performed. They can be performed alone or in a group and do not require years of special study to master. In fact, the smallest child is taught the magic of wishing on its very first birthday when she is given a candle and asked to “Make a wish,†as her family helps her to blow out that first ritual flame.Magic is for EveryoneEveryone has the right to study and practice magic. All it requires is an open heart and an open mind. You don't have to be initiated into a coven or find a teacher to teach you the secrets of magic. There are plenty of great books out there to help you along the way, and the best guide you will ever need is already residing inside your own heart.Magic is Real“Magic is a method whereby individuals take control of their lives.†– Scott CunninghamMagical practices have survived for thousands of years for one basic reason - because they work! Our ancestors knew that there was more to life than our physical reality. They talked to fairies, they felt the magical energy of stones and trees, and they understood that we are surrounded by magic. It was only with the advent of our “modern, enlightened society†that we forgot these lessons.Magic gives us the power to break out of the box. It gives us the freedom to drive our own destiny instead of mindlessly going with the flow. Suddenly, you are not alone in a sea of mounting debt and dwindling time. You've found a lifeline that can help you find your way to a place of calm. You don't need to wait for the White Knight (or Lady, as the case may be) to come rescue you. You have the power to rescue yourself!Neo-Paganism and WiccaThere is a massive re-awakening of magic in the world and a growing dissatisfaction with the established Judeo-Christian patriarchal views that most westerners grew up with. People are hungry for something new, and many of them find what they are searching for when they discover Pagan faith.Paganism refers to any non-Judeo-Christian faith. Under this heading you will find Buddhism, Hinduism, Asatru, Voodoo, and Wicca – to name just a few. The branch of Paganism currently receiving the largest share of the Limelight is Wicca. With the advent of movies like The Craft and television series' like Buffy the Vampire Slayer and Charmed, Wicca has received a lot of attention as of late. This may account in part for the huge growth in the number of people interested in this religion – especially since practitioners of Wicca do not actively seek out new members or wish to “convert†anyone's religious faith. But Wicca, like any system of religious belief, is a calling. Those who are taken in by the momentary lure of mysticism will either burn out in a few months or a few years and leave to walk other spiritual paths or mature beyond the momentary fad and grow into strong, responsible followers of this nature-based faith.Wicca differs from the common patriarchal religions in many ways. Perhaps the most important difference is that Wicca does not claim to be the “only way.†Wicca, instead, recognize that there are many spiritual paths and that the “right†way for one person may not work for another.Another difference between Wicca and Judeo-Christian religion lies in the patriarchal belief that Deity (God) is distant and separate from humanity. Pagan faith recognizes that Divinity is all around us – it is in the sun, the moon, the grass under our feet, the ocean tides, and all of nature that surrounds us. And, more importantly, Divinity is within each and every one of us.Most Judeo-Christian faiths view Divinity (God) as being strictly masculine. And while it is commonly believed that Wicca is a strictly Goddess-oriented religion, the truth is that most Wiccans venerate both the masculine and feminine faces of Deity. The Goddess and the God are separate yet equal forces in Wiccan belief.While there is much emphasis currently being placed on Celtic beliefs, mythology, and deities, there are as many ancient pantheons worshiped in modern Wicca as there are followers of Wicca. We see Wiccans taking up worship of Norse, African, Greek, Roman, and even Native American deities. This is because Wiccans believe that The Goddess is reflected in the face of all Goddesses and that The God is reflected in the face of all Gods.The Morals of MagicAs we learned from Uncle Ben in Spiderman, with great power comes great responsibility. And magic is no different. You cannot go flinging spells about the universe without a thought to the results of your actions. If you choose to believe that magic is real, you must also choose to believe that your actions have equally real consequences.Modern Wicca has only one basic moral rule: An it harm none, do what ye will. What this means is that you may do what you want as long as it doesn't do any harm. I have learned another rule that goes hand in hand with this thought: Ever mind the rule of threes, for what thou dost comes back to thee. This saying embodies the common Wiccan belief that whatever energy you put out into the Universe will be returned to you three times over. This thought is echoed in our understanding of Karma and the Golden Rule.While the ways and degrees of how each individual Wiccan chooses to follow these rules varies from individual to individual, you must as a student of magic carefully weigh your actions against the potential consequences. Is it really worth trying to hex your noisy neighbor before you've even spoken to them about the problem or attempted to reach a compromise by non-magical means first? Is it really wise to cast a love spell to make someone have feelings for you? And how would you feel if someone tried to take away your rights to choose who you want to love? These are some of the questions you must begin to ask yourself before you begin any magical working.