I am what I am, I live how I want to live and I do whatever pleases me...people often think of me as a snob, and sometimes i could be...and to those who think so, i apologize..i don't hate, but once youit's nowhere for us...oh well, enough of that...don't want to be in an angry-emotional stage forever....after all, life's too short..right isnt it?! let's talk about the good stuff...BEACH!!!who doesn't love the beach?if you don't, too're missing half of your lives...just playin....i love the beach..i go ga-ga,goo-goo, crazy when it comes to beach trips...for real...getting wasted at the beach is the best...wasted in a good way..mind you!ha!the other things that i go crazy for are, SHOES,BAGS, GAP colognes, Victoria secret undergarments, Havies nyt life ( go sweat it out arge!hehehe..everything that makes me shop...SHOPPING is good for your health...and lastly....FOODTRIP!!!nothing is better than food...imagine this, you in front of a long table filled with food...lechon, prawns, crabs,chicken salad,chicken,fish fillet,cordonbleu,lechon,ice cream,cakes,brownies(hahaha!) did i say lechon?,anyway, anything that your tummy desires,like mine is now...anweiz, enough of the food thing.....I am thankful to God for giving me always the best of the bests...and lastly, i love my family & friends..some may have gone, but the chosen few, again are God's greatest gifts...Myspace Contact TablesMyspace Layouts, Contact Tables & More! Myspace Layouts, Graphics and more.