Reina profile picture



About Me

sono un omosexuale, complicata xche' donna, alcolizzata..odio: i bottoni, i piatti sporchi uno sopra l'altro, che mi si tocchi il collo sul lato sinistro, Milano.amo: l'ingegnere, gli amori impossibili,lavarmi le ginocchia, i dadi,andare dal dentista, il vizio, il punto G, la simmetria, riempire le quaglie, il sangue, le lame, gli aghi, i piedi, rubare mutande sporche,WARNINGS:
1 Only sold to adults as a novelty item.
2 Do not position or place the inflatable doll near any item that possesses sharp edges, heaters or any other direct source of heat.
3 Always position the inflatable doll where it will not be a hazard to the elderly, pets, children.
4 Incorrect use of product might resulti in personal injury. The supplier is not responsible when the product has been used incorrectly.
5 If the product is suitable for indoor use only, do not use it outdoors.
6 Do not attempt to inflate the product while it is still in the packaging.
7 To avoid problems don't use the product on any infected or irritated skin.
8 Be aware of products containing natural rubber or plastic as these could cause allergic reactions on sensitive skin.
9 Contact a qualifield person for installation instructions, if necessary.
10 This is an adult-novelty product not a toy for children. The item should not be given to people under the age of 18 ( 14 in some countries).
11 Be careful of your personal hygiene. Before using or reusing an item, inspect the product carefully to see whether it has been cleaned thoroughly.
12 Sharing the product with others is not recommended because it might cause sexually transmitted diseases.

My Interests

I'd like to meet:



siouxsie and the banshees


l'ingegniere, Ayane, la dormidina, il procione.