Sax. Filipino culture. Mangos.
Your sister danelle was heree yay. Haha.
I loveee you jonathan haha too bad he's my brother and not yours ahahahaaa. Oh yeahh. Ok well I loveee you brotherr an sister for lifeeeee
Carlos Bulosan
Undergoing some Scholarly hype. But will never devoid from those who can beautifully harness the piano: Alicia Keys, John Legend, Aqualung, Keane. Lauryn Hill needs to come out w/ a new CD.
Seldomly ever have time to watch anything, but Little Miss Sunshine has made it onto my 'Favorites' list.
As much as I try to stay away Grey's is always calling my name. MTV needs to make more documentaries and forget all that Sweet 16 - Laguna Beach - Miami Heat crap.
Howard Zinn. John Steinbeck. OMGHARRYPOTTERSERIES.
My parent & people who strictly follow their passion to no end.