OUT SNOWBOARDIN!!! profile picture



About Me

I'm a Filipino/Caucasian chick that is studying to be an ARCHITECT. That's right fellas...it's BEAUTY & BRAINS right here...hehe. I KNOW WHAT I WANT & I GO FOR IT!! Why hold back, you will either fail or succeed...why not just take a chance. I've been in dance for 10 years & I taught dance for 4 years. I had my own competitive dance team for 2 years and I feel that they did a superb job. One of my biggest pet peeves are when guys tell me what to do. I mean c'mon now...I already have 1 dad...i dont need another one. I also hate DRAMA!!! so if ya got it, dont bring over to me : ) Anyways, I love makin new friends...I always try and make ppl laugh cuz laughter brings HAPPINESS...and im all about people's happiness =) Yes, I'm a stupid humor kind of girl...so I hope u can take my DORKINESS...hehe...I'm 5'0" (yeah I know I'm kinda short...hehe), brown eyes (gray contacts), and well you can obviously see the rest by my pics. I'm already taken so plz DONT ask me...im IN A RELATIONSHIP...but i do love making friends...so give me a holla, maybe we could chill sometime : )**PIC OF THE DAY**Now these are the ppl I would give some money to!! haha
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My Interests

I love to SHOP!!! I could do it all day long no matter how much pain I am in. I also love to dance. I think I'm gonna try out for the University of Houston dance team. I used to love my car, but it seems as tho i dont have the time for it anymore =( SAD, I KNOW...haha. I love hangin out with my buddies...they always know how to put a smile to my face, whether its takin shots of PATRON or me makin fun of their asses...no matter what, i always know they got my back...i love u guys...haha

I'd like to meet:

I love making new friends and i would love for my next buddy to be YOU =) plz leave me a comment & I will make sure I get back to you ***TO ALL MY EXISTING BUDDIES: htthank you so much for being great friends...I absolutely adore y'all...y'all know how to make me laugh whenever i need to be cheered up...thanks buddies...muahLOVE THIS SONG
It brings me back...


I listen mostly to trance/dance music.
Every now and then I listen to R&B and Hip Hop.
But you know what music has stuck w/me for the longest time...now don't laugh...but it's good 'ol BOOTY MUSIC.
I just love puttin those types of songs on.
It gets me in such a good mood...o yeah, and i LOVE my 80s music..."O GIRLS JUST WANNA HAVE FUN"...haha...thats my jam, turn it up...hehe


The Notebook
Napolean Dynamite
Girls Just Wanna Have Fun
WEDDING CRASHERS...go see that movie...its hillarious =)
You Got Served (But only for the dance moves:-)
What a Girl Wants...
i love all types of movies


My most all time favorite TV show would have to be Friends. It makes me laugh everytime I watch it.
I also like Sex & the City
Will & Grace
GIRLS NEXT DOOR (love that girl Kendra)
The O.C. (so addicting!)
and of course I love my comedy central favorites: Reno 911, South Park, and Drawn Together.
But MTV is mostly always on my TV...I can't help it...I love my LAGUNA BEACH =).
Oh yeah, there is one more show that ppl make fun of me for watching: Degrassi. If you're not a loser like me then you prolly don't know what I'm talking about...believe me you're not really missing much...I just like watching it for some reason.


I would have to say my POPS...i love both my parents and i respect them both equally...but my dad is the one who went from NOTHING to SOMETHING. I admire his hardwork and strong drive to not let anything stand in his way of obtaining his life-long goal: his own design firm. One day I wish do the same and follow in his footsteps : )

My Blog


I would like to thank everyone that wished me a HAPPY BIRTHDAY last week...i appreciate it very much.  I read each and every comment and I will try my hardest to get back to everyone...Ya'll real...
Posted by Melissa on Wed, 27 Sep 2006 10:18:00 PST


Today I visited my lil sister in the hospital...she's been there since monday. The doctors are still not sure what she has,but they are leaning towards psychosis. She is my adopted sister & her mother...
Posted by Melissa on Sat, 11 Feb 2006 08:20:00 PST


Hey ppl...im gone for the holidays but i will be back Jan. 2nd...i wish everyone HAPPY HOLIDAYS and MERRY CHRISTMAS...o yeah, and HAPPY NEW YEARS too...hit up a shot for me...aight guys...i gotta go.....
Posted by Melissa on Tue, 20 Dec 2005 04:14:00 PST


Well, as most of you already know bout the bitchass hurricane Rita...well she ruined my birthday...haha...on Thursday my family and I left at 3:45 AM because of the mandatory evacuation for my town......
Posted by Melissa on Sat, 24 Sep 2005 02:38:00 PST


Sorry kiddos, but lately i've been hella bzy with school...i didnt know architecture school would kick my ass this hard...haha...but its ok cuz my 21st bday is comin up on September 21st...and i defin...
Posted by Melissa on Sat, 10 Sep 2005 10:43:00 PST


I see: my computer.I need: to get my nails refilled. I want: more money.I have: credit card debt.I wish: I had a Bentley coupe.I love: my family & friends.I hate: waking up early in the morni...
Posted by Melissa on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

Survey...take me

Survey. fill it out.. 1. Who are you? 2. Are we friends? 3. When and how did we meet? 4. Do you have a crush on me? 5. Would you kiss me? 6. Give me a nickname and explain why you ...
Posted by Melissa on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST