Kegren profile picture


Our greatest glory is not in never failing, but in rising each and every time we fail.

About Me

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You are now marked on my profile visitor map!REAL INFO --- Where to start?... Not sure what to say about myself, I like cars and video games. I’m really into history especially World War 2. I am going to be starting a Toyota Apprenticeship program called T-TEN here very soon, and I am very excited about it. It involves spending 3 months at Shoreline Community College then 3 months at the Toyota dealership that sponsors me, and then back to Shoreline. The program will take about 7 quarters to complete (almost 2 years) then I sign a 2 year contract with the dealership and my loans get paid off. I am very excited about it. During my time at Shoreline I plan to look into some World War 2 history classes, it will come out of my own pocket but I want to do it. Anything special you want to know about me just ask, I’m pretty open when it comes to myself and it’s very hard to offend me. ....I am so proud of this video... I made it, please watch...
Name: Justin
Birthday: July 30th
Birthplace: Washington
Current Location: Washington
Eye Color: Hazel
Hair Color: Dark Blond
Height: 6'
Right Handed or Left Handed: Right
Your Heritage: Norse and Texan
The Shoes You Wore Today: my work boots
Your Weakness: I fall hard, and admitting when Im wrong
Your Fears: Large Squid youre laughing! Im not laughing, scary shit, opening up,
Your Perfect Pizza: Stuffed crust
Goal You Would Like To Achieve This Year: Get my Subaru
Your Most Overused Phrase On an instant messenger: lol (it means I have nothing better to say)
Thoughts First Waking Up: My job sucks
Your Best Physical Feature: I'm told my lips
Your Bedtime: whenever
Your Most Missed Memory: Taking Big Valley at 80+MPH
Pepsi or Coke: Mountain Dew
MacDonalds or Burger King: Wendys
Single or Group Dates: eather
Lipton Ice Tea or Nestea:
Chocolate or Vanilla: both
Cappuccino or Coffee: both
Do you Smoke: Pipe Tobacco
Do you Swear: yes
Do you Shower Daily:
Have you Been in Love: I am
Do you want to go to College: yes
Do you want to get Married:
Do you belive in yourself: not really
Do you get Motion Sickness: only after I flip my car... Jordan remembers...
Do you think you are Attractive: no
Are you a Health Freak: I whish
Do you get along with your Parents: yes, my perants rock...
Do you like Thunderstorms: yes
Do you play an Instrument: no
In the past month have you Drank Alcohol: no
In the past month have you Smoked: Pipe Tobacco
In the past month have you been on Drugs: no
In the past month have you gone on a Date: yes
In the past month have you gone to a Mall: maybe? not sure
In the past month have you eaten a box of Oreos: no
In the past month have you eaten Sushi: no
In the past month have you been on Stage: no
In the past month have you been Dumped: no
In the past month have you gone Skinny Dipping: no
In the past month have you Stolen Anything: yes
Ever been Drunk: yes
Ever been called a Tease: no
Ever been Beaten up: We beat eachother up
Ever Shoplifted: no
How do you want to Die: In a Race
What do you want to be when you Grow Up: a Pro Rally Racer or Lemans
What country would you most like to Visit: Japan
In a Boy/Girl..
Favourite Eye Color: N/A
Favourite Hair Color: N/A
Short or Long Hair: Long
Height: shorter than me
Weight: less than me
Best Clothing Style: N/A
Number of Drugs I have taken: we all make mistakes
Number of CDs I own: N/A
Number of Piercings: Not too many
Number of Tattoos: Not too many

My Interests

Music, driving, Documentary movies, Politics, Import cars, Muscle cars, Wild Life Photography, Backpacking,
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I'd like to meet:

Michael Moore, Paul Walker, Gean Rodenberry, Charlly Chaplin


Breakin Benjamin, Linkin Park, Korn, Disturbed, 3 Doors Down, TRUST Company, Rammstine, Nickleback, Audioslave, TATU, Tenacious D, Blain Larsen, Dane Cook, Evanescence, Ben Moody, System of a Down, Crossfade,


Too many to name


Sci-Fi (Star Trek, Star Wars, Stargate SG-1, Stargate Atlantis, Battlestar Galactica), Firefly ..1, Drama (House),
You Are: Takahashi Keisuke!

What Initial D Character are You?
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Dragon Riders of Pern, Star Trek Federation, Halo, My Side of the Mountain, To Kill a Mocking Bird,

My Blog

Best LP Song...

Hands Held HighTurn my mic up louder, I got to say something Lightweights step it aside when we come in Feel it in your chest, the syllables get pumping People on the street then panic and start runni...
Posted by Kegren on Sun, 20 May 2007 07:24:00 PST

The nightmare is but a memory now

             So tonight was my last night at work for Clearwater Casino.  I'm not totally sure how I feel about this.  I loath that plac...
Posted by Kegren on Mon, 30 Apr 2007 06:19:00 PST

She knows who she is...

Bobby Darin I Will Wait for You If it takes forever I will wait for you For a thousand summers I will wait for you Till you're back beside me, till I'm holding you Till I hear you sigh here in my ar...
Posted by Kegren on Mon, 09 Apr 2007 12:18:00 PST


So much shit has been going wrong for me as of late.  I can feel myself getting pushed closer and closer to the edge, I'm fighting to keep from going over but nothing I do seems to slow me down.&...
Posted by Kegren on Mon, 12 Feb 2007 02:26:00 PST


I try as best as I can to convince myself these are just dreams, and not premonitions, but so far no luck& I'm starting to get worried& hopefully some over you will understand after this&   So a...
Posted by Kegren on Sat, 27 Jan 2007 02:13:00 PST

He was not just a writer& he was a visionary&

R.I.P. Gene Roddenberry died 15 years ago today& Gene was the creator and writer for the original Star Trek series and The Next Generation.  We all remember star trek for its Klingons, phasers, a...
Posted by Kegren on Wed, 25 Oct 2006 08:24:00 PST

Justin's review of The Marine...

WARNING!!! SPOILERS WARNING!!!   Those of you who know me know that I am very& forgiving& when it comes to movies.  I'm not one to like or dislike a movie due to what people say.  For e...
Posted by Kegren on Wed, 18 Oct 2006 08:33:00 PST

7 Sins...

WRATHWho did you get angry at last?Kathi Im so sorry, I love you babyWhat is your weapon of choice?My mindWould you hit a member of the opposite sex?NoHow about the same sex?yes.Who was the last perso...
Posted by Kegren on Fri, 25 Aug 2006 02:11:00 PST

This is for you...

You know who you are   Photography, Racing, Ribs, Star Trek, D&D, Video Games, Cars, Subway, Ritz bits, Cherry Soda, Initial D, Transformers, Star Wars, America, Robot Chicken, Gundam Wing, D...
Posted by Kegren on Fri, 18 Aug 2006 12:09:00 PST

I'm pathetic...

South Park tonight on UPN was the episode called "Kenny Dies" those of you who watch South Park will know that unlike most this is actually a sad episode...  In this episode Kenny is diagnosed wi...
Posted by Kegren on Sun, 30 Jul 2006 11:40:00 PST