music, guitars, art and design, cities, your girlfriends, and tons of weird stuff...
your girlfriend and maybe you...
musicians... but I'm bored of this useless skills talk... i suck - you don't... well o.k. ... that's fine with me! ;)
nebenbei habt ihr eh alle ein anner klatsche... und du erst recht!
it makes no sense to write down all the artists I like...
splatter, gore, horror, comedy, bond, really bad b-movies, weird stuff, etc...
I love this old stuff like Die Zwei (Curtis & Moore), the Addams Family, Starsky & Hutch and Batman (Padauz! :-) )
and Johnny Bravo(Hu! ha! mama!) and of course... Spongebob and "das dynamische Duo" Batman!! !
art, design, Lovecraft, german classics...
Miss Kitten, Jaymz, Ken Adam, me...