Everything you've ever wanted to know about yourself, ever!
Name Questions
What's your full name: Janay R Robinson-Pierce
What do your parents call you?: Janay
What do your grandparents call you?:
What do your friends call you?: Janay, Geek, Nay
Do you like your name?: Yes For The Most Part
If you could change your name, would you?: No
What would you change it to?:
Do you like pet names (i.e. sweetie, honey, babe, etc.)?: No
Does it bother you when people use your middle name?: Yes
Who named you?: My Mom
Are you named after someone? Who?: No
Age and Education Questions
When is your birthday?: June 14, 1989
How old are you?: 19
What's your astrological sign?: Gemini
Do you read your horoscope?: Yes
Is it usually right?: For The Most Part
Are you still in school? What Grade are you in?: Yes, I Am In My Second Year Of College
Did you go to preschool? Where?: No
Where did you go to elementary school?: Lakewood Elementary
Where did you go to middle school/junior high?: Davis Hills Middle School
Where did you go to high school?: James Oliver Johnson High
Where did you go to College or where do you want to go to college?: I Go To UAH
What did you study or what do you want to study?: And I Study Chemistry
What do you want to become? Career wise.: Dentist
How many years of postsecondary training does it require?: 6
Physical Appearance Questions
How tall are you?: 5'5
How much do you weigh?: IDK
What size shoes do you wear?: 10 in Women and 9 and half in Men
What color is your hair?: Dark Brown
What color are your eyes?: Dark Brown
Describe your skin. (color?, dryness?, etc.): Carmal Color
Where do you buy most of your clothes?: I Shop Everywhere!!!
What's your favorite store to shop for clothes?: Citi Trends
Where do you buy most of your shoes and accessories?: Mall
What's your favorite store to shop for shoes and accessories?: IDK
What are you wearing right now?: A Hooded white shirt, some Jeans and Socks
Do you have glasses/contacts?: Yes
Do you have braces?: No
Do you currently have any casts or splints?: No
Do you currently have any band-aids on?: No
Do you have any piercings?: Yes
How many and where?: 2 and my Tougue and my Ears
Do you have any tattoos?: Yes
How many, where, and of what?: 1, On My Wrist and Its My Name With Music Notes around it
Do you have any jewelry on? What?: Yes. Hoops and a Different Color Titatum Tougue Ring
Who do you look like? Mom or Dad?: Mom
Color?: Purple
Food?: Cheesy Beef Thingy From Taco Bell
Drink?: Sprite
Place?: Dont Have One
Car?: Dont Have One
Singer?: To Many To Say
Band?: Fall Out Boys
Actor?: Denzal Washington
Actess?: Dont Really Have One
Broadway show?:
Movie?: Too Many To Say
Television show?: Family Guy
Awards show?: BET Awards, Hip Hip Awards, And the Grammys
Restaurant?: BK
Store?: Wal Mart
CD?: Way To Many To Say
Song?: Way To Many To Say
Radio Station?: 103.1 WEUP
Television Station?: Dont Have One
Website?: Facebook and Myspace
Love Questions
What's your current relationship status?: Single
Are you happy with it?: For Now
Do you like someone?: Yes
Are you in love with any one?: Yes
Does that person love you back?: IDK
When was the last time you saw the person you like?: This Past Weekend
When will you see him/her again?: Probably This Weekend
Does he/she know that you love/like them?: No I Dont Think So
How many serious relationships have you had?: 3
How many people have you kissed?: Like 9 or 10
How long was your longest relationship?: 2 and Half Years
How short was your shortest relationship?: Like 3 Months
Are you a jealous person?: No
Have you ever dated a jealous person?: Yes
Have you ever been heartbroken?: Hell Yea
Have you ever broken someone's heart?: Yes
Have you ever gotten in trouble for PDA (at school)?: Yes
Have you ever been told to "get a room"?: Yes
Are you a virgin?: No
Do you plan to be a virgin when you get married?: No
Do you think abstainance is a good idea?: Yes
Do you think today's teenagers are too exposed to sex?: Yes
Who/What's the last...
...thing you ate?: Taco Bell
...thing you drank?: NuGrape( grape soda)
...thing you read?: a Message that I Just Got On Myspace
...thing you wrote?: Notes From my American Government Class
...thing you typed?: The Answer To The Last Question
...thing you said?: Where Is My Drink
...person you talked to (in person)?: My Roommate Reese
...person you called?: My Homie Boy Chuncey
...person who called you?: My Ex Boy Friend Cedric
...missed call?: IDK
...voice mail?: IDK
...person you talked to (on the phone)?: My Homie Boy Chuncey
...person you IM'd?: My Homie Boy Trey
...person you emailed?: My Professor
...person you messaged on myspace?: My Homie Boy Amotis
...person you facebook'd?: IDK
...person you commented on myspace or facebook?: MY Hoime Boy Pooka
...person you friend requested?: IDK
...person who friend requested you?: MY Homie Boy Richard
...person you texted?: IDK
...person who texted you?: IDK
...person you hugged?: MY Homie Girl Jazmise
...person you kissed?: My Bestfriend Thomas
...person you saw?: My Roommate Reese
...person you heard?: IDK
...thing you did (other than type)?: Went To Class
...song you heard?: Beyonce
...song you sung?: Mad By Ne Yo
...person you thought about?: My Bestfriend Thomas
...thing/person you dreamt about?: My Bestfriend Thomas
...person/thing you cried about?: My Bestfriend Thomas
Your Surroundings
Are you at home? (if not, where are you?): No, I Am In My Dorm Room
What room are you in?: 231-A
Is anyone else in the room?: No
Is anyone else in the building/house?: Yes
Who?: The Other 100 old peaple that Live here
What is the current light source?: The Light From MY Computer
What is the closest thing to you that is red?: My Bag with My Books In it
...orange?: I Dont Have Anything Orange
...yellow?: I dont Have Anything Yellow
...green?: A Marker
...blue?: My Jacket
...purple?: My Almost everything
...white?: My Shirt
...black?: My Computer
...grey?: My Phone
...brown?: My Hair
What color are the walls of the room you're in?: white
What color is the ceiling?: White
What color is the floor?: A Blue Greyish Color
Is it clean or messy?: Clean
Is it a small or large room?: Small
How many windows are their?: 2
How many doors are their?: 1
Your House
Who lives there?: My Mom and Me
Do you have any pets?: No
What kind?:
Do they have names?:
What are they?:
How old are they?:
Do they stay inside or outside?:
How many rooms are in your house?: 7
How many bedrooms?: 3
How many bathrooms?: 1
How many closets?: 4
How many floors?: IDK
How many sets of stairs?: No
What color is the outside?: White And Red
How many exits are there?: 3
What room do you enter when you come inside?: The Front Or The Back Door
Do you have a seperate dining room?: Yes
Do you have a seperate laundry room?: Yes
Do you know when it was built? When?: No
Do you share your room? With whom?: No
Do you share a bathroom? With whom?: There Is Only One
Is your room clean?: Yes
Is your bed made?: Yes
Do you have a tv in your room?: Yes
Do you have a computer in your room?: No
What size bed do you have?: King
What do you have on your walls?: 4
When you wake up, what's the first thing you see?: Nothin
How many pillows are on your bed?: 5
How many blankets?: 3
In a perfect lover
Hair color?: Black
Eye color?: Hazal
Height?: Between 5'5 and 6'1
Weight?: IDK
Style?: Fresh
Personality?: Funny
Have you ever met someone like this?: Yes
Do you think it's realistic that you will?: Probably
Your Future
Do you want to get married?: Yes
Do you want to have children?: Yes
How many children do you want?: 2 Maybe 3
What kind of car do you want to drive?: Anything Nice
Where do you want to live?: Anywhere But Alabama
Where do you want to get married?: IDK
When do you want to get married?: In The Summer
Where do you want to honeymoon?: IDK
Your friends
Best friend?: Olivia, Reese, Tifa, Brittany, Ashleigh, Thomas, Amotis, Adriana And John
One you've known the longest?: John
One you've know the shortest?: Tifa
One you can trust the most?: Olivia And Thomas
One you tell the most to?: Olivia and Thomas
One you see the most?: Reese, Olivia, and Tifa
One you see the least?: Thomas and Adriana
Funniest?: Asheligh And Brittany
Most serious?: Amotis
Smartest?: John
Stupidest?: Thomas
Most talented?: John and Ashleigh
Most creative?: Brittany
Most huggable?: Thomas
Skinniest?: Adriana
Tallest?: Tifa
Shortest?: Brittany
Hottest?: All of Them Or Hot In My Book
Ugliest?: No One
Nicest?: Reese and Amotis
Meanest?: Olivia and Ashleigh
Most two-faced?: No Of Them
Biggest gossip?: Brittany
One you turn to for love advice?: IDK
One you turn to for fashion advice?: Tifa
One you turn to for something to do?: Brittany Or Ashleigh
One you text the most?: Olivia
One you call the most?: Olivia
How many AIM buddies do you have?: None I Dont Have AIM
How many myspace friends?: 391
How many facebook friends?: 484
How many contacts in your phone?: IDK
How many contacts in your email?: IDK
Have you read the Harry Potter books?: No
Have you read the Twilight books?: No
Edward Cullen or Jacob Black?: Edward Cullen
Harry Potter or Ron Weasley or Draco Malfoy?: Harry Potter
Most embarrassing moment?: IDk
Most recent embarrassing moment?: IDk
Do awkward moments define your life?: Yes
Are you musical?: Yes ( Very)
Do you play instruments? Which ones?: Yes. Flute And Tenor Saxophone
Do you like to sing? What voice part?: Yes. Alto
Do you like to dance? Ever take classes? Which ones?: Yes and No
Will you be in bed within the hour?: No
...what about 2 hours?: No
...or 3 hours?: No
What time did you wake up this morning?: 12:30 or 1
What time did you go to bed last night?: Like 4
What is your usual reason for being up late?: Couldnt Sleep
What is the longest you've ever slept?: 12 hours
What is the longest you've ever been awake?: 12 hours
Do you take any medication?: No
Are you allergic to anything? What?: No
Do you celebrate Christmas?: Yes
...what about Easter?: Yes
Do you go to church regularly?: No
Do you ever go to church?: Yes
What church to do you go to?: Oakwood
Is this survey too long for you yet?: Yes
Hearing: Dru Hill
Seeing: Everthing
Smelling: Chocolate
Tasting: Chocolate
Feeling (physically): Good but Horny
Feeling (psychologically): Streesed
Waiting for: Tifa To Get Back
Doing: This Survey
Thinking about: Nothin
Wishing for: The One I Love to Come And Be With Me
The End
Did you enjoy my survey?: Yes
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