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I am here for Friends

About Me

howdy! my name is christina. i live in the grand pdx with my cat bella and my two beautiful chickens gladys and gloria. i am a barista/nanny week days and just happy not to be working on the weekends. i read lots and travel whenever possible. i moved from napa, california about a year ago and i still don't know exactly what i'm doing here. oh wait yes i do, living the high life!

My Interests

book stores, hiking, traveling (i have been to germany, austria, mexico, and japan. i have also traveled to 10 states and lived in maine for 7 months... just getting started) playing around on a few instruments, finding entertaining new bands to enjoy

I'd like to meet:

sylvia plath (poet/author), koushun takami (author of battle royale), o-lan (wang lung's wife in the novel the good earth), richard ramirez (also known as "the night stalker"), eric harris (one of the columbine shooters), syd barrett (you should know who this is...)


man... some bands i listen to most often: the anniversary, the descendents, pink floyd, NWA, dinosaur jr., the replacements, dave dondero, smashing pumpkins, wilco, public enemy, my husband...i mean paul simon, sonic youth, neil young, elliot smith, jefferson airplane, deltron 3030, velvet underground, patsy cline, csny, zeppelin, merle travis, guided by voices... whooo that's alot and i'm just getting started but you get the picture. i'm open to anything unless it's going to make my ears bleed.


lost in translation is my favorite movie. (i also enjoy: punch drunk love, logan's run, high fidelity, the gods must be crazy, donnie darko, american history x, THE SHINING, sixteen candles, fucking fight club... slc punk, the breakfast club, the wall, the good girl, being john malcovich --possibly missspelledd everything by wes anderson... and the list goes on)


don't have it don't want it don't miss it


my favorite book is the good earth by pearl s. buck. a few others i adore are: battle royale (koushun takami), desert solitare (edwards abbey), the serial killer files, the bell jar (sylvia plath), the stranger (albert camus) and making out in japanese... my favorite subjects to read about are serial killers, forensics, WWII concentration camps, psychology, and japanese history/culture. i'm sorta getting into philosophy too.


my hero is sylvia plath. i am not the biggest fan of her poetry however. i read her short stories, her one novel, essays, journals, and letters. i own numerous books on her and she's outrageously fascinating to me. she committed suicide in the most bizzare way as well... damn what a woman.