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I am the proud mother of 3 fantastic children and a small zoo of animals I love almost as much. I live for the pure enjoyment of being alive and prefer to let others do the same. I prefer nature to material. What you see with me, is what you get. I am uncomfortable all dressed up, preferring to be in shorts and t-shirt and I love to "play" especially in the hot, hot sun. I like everyone until they give me a reason not to, and dont forget wrong doings to me, or my loved ones (this includes my friends). I dont care if you are black, white, male, female, tall, short, gay, straight, young or old, I am happy to know you. I dont like it when people put on "airs" to impress me or anyone else. If you are ashamed of who you are, then change, otherwise, be yourself. If everyone were the same, how boring the world would be.I believe everyone is entitled to their own opinions, choices, & lifestyle, so long as it doesn't interfere with the rights of others. Isn't that what this country was founded on?My life is filled with music and activity. And that is exactly how I like it. I love to hike on woodland trails or explore the wilderness. I am definately a lover of the sun and spend as much time basking in it as I can - beit on the beach playing frisbee, or taking a nap, kicking a soccer ball, or putting on the mini golf course. And when the sun isnt out, I like to bowl, do aerobics, or just chill watching tv.I am very devoted to my faith in God, and live my life the way I think he appreciates, not by the way society wants me to, and I make no apologies for it.I am not a Liberal.
I am not a Conservative.
I am not a Democrat.
I am not a Republican.
I am not a Conspiracy Theorist.
I am a person seeking the Truth in all things.
Labels are what divide us.
Now is the time to Unite!I am terrified of the New World Order& Homeland SecurityBut you think that is a silly thought. What do you think about this?
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The government knows more about you than you think. Truth is treason in the empire of lies.
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