QuienEsTuPapi! profile picture


a mi no mi importa nada pa mi la vida es un suenoooooo

About Me

3-3-2008, I deleted everything I had wrote in my about me section a couple of weeks ago(4 years worth of random stuff you dont really need to know about me)...after a couple of messages asking me to put it back on I did...i dont have anything to hide about my future or past...so read about who I am, Who I am about to be and who I was because its made ME what I am and will beupdate 1/23/08 Hi I am Eduardo Gomez but most know me as Eddie. I have stayed in touch with many long time friends through myspace and have made other friends closer through it also. Acquaintances have become friends through myspace which is cool that's why I love it.so you want to read about me huh? Well people in my life know I work a lot, some say to much. I don't believe there is such a thing as working to much as long as your striving for your goals, you must hit them and the reward is always great and they only keep getting better after you hit them. that being said my loved ones know I do everything possible to hang out them as long as my profession isn't affected in a negative way. My profession is very " what have you done for me lately." for example out of 12 people that got hired with me close to 3 years ago, I am the only one left. so I stay on top of my game which is a must and is easy to me since I do have a true hustlers spirit people that know me know that I've been hustling since hustling was hustling what ever I did,what ever I dedicated myself to I was the best and never saw negative dividends from my actions or decisions do to my commitment, passion and drive. it may bug some people that I cant party till sunrise when ever I feel like it anymore or that I cant go out every weekend or take off out of town on a whim as I used to years ago. When I do party or go out of town I do it well, anything worth doing is worth doing well is a saying I believe in.I'm a social butterfly and make friends easy I love sharing the many close circles of friends I have even though some don't get along with others. I never judge a book by its cover or categorize people, if your chill your chill if your not your not. Just because I am easy to get along does not mean I don't have a long list of "haters" what do I have to say to those people...if your coming at me with negativity stay out of my vicinity or else ill smack you out of it . I don't know if its a gift or a curse but if some one keeps my fuse lit for a long enough time it will spark and I will throw a punch without thinking twice, give me a good enough reason the fuse wont have to be lit very long at all ;o) I don't like myself or my loved ones fucked with or hurt. I have had more than my fare share of loved ones taken from me far to soon so I wont hesitate to react, you will get hurt.I am person that values trust, integrity, dignity, respect, honesty, tolerance and compassion. I don't think you can have any of those without the other. I am a man of my word and value any person who keeps there's. Its in my blood as my dad always said "Jalisco no se raja" which means men from our heritage don't lie,bail out or quit, it can be translated many different ways. Speaking of my father, well I miss him. I went through the trauma of losing him suddenly years ago and has affected who I am today. I love my heritage,Jalisco, bandas tomborazos, bull fighting, pelas de gallos etc... It reminds me of him and our vacations when I was young. I also like to fall in love but i dont like love...just like to fall in it then check myself and trip out of it soy un hopeless romantic. some people call me Eddiebear I BLEED TOYOTA...BUT I THINK 80% OF THE BLOOD THAT WOULD COME OUT WOULD BE DILUTTED BY THIS... first off if my future wife wants me to very happy she will wear these around the house to make me happy, second... i love quotes ..."All that we are is the result of what we have thought"-Buddah,"People become immune to love like they become immune to any disease. Either they had it bad early in life, like chicken pox, and that's that; or they keep getting exposed to it in little doses and build up an immunity, or somehow they just don't catch it, something in 'em is born resistant" -Elizabeth McCracken "The most beautiful thing we can experience is the mysterious." -Albert Einstein "Those who stand for nothing fall for anything." -Alexander Hamilton "Thinking: The talking of the soul with itself." -Plato "All that we see or seem Is but a dream within a dream." -Edgar Allan Poe "Keep away from people who try to belittle your ambitions. Small people always do that, but the really great make you feel that you, too, can become great." -Mark Twain"If you tell the truth, you don't have to remember anything." -Mark Twain "A man who won't die for something is not fit to live." -Martin Luther King, Jr. "Beauty is truth, truth beauty,' -- that is all Ye know on Earth, and all ye need to know." -John Keats "Love can sometimes be magic. But magic can sometimes... just be an illusion." -Javan"I feel sorry for people who don't drink, because when they wake up in the morning that is the best they're gonna feel all day"-Frank Sinatra"Empty your mind, be formless. Shapeless, like water. If you put water into a cup, it becomes the cup. You put water into a bottle and it becomes the bottle. You put it in a teapot it becomes the teapot.Now,water can flow or it can crash.Be water my friend"- Bruce Lee "I believe that everything u do bad comes back to u! So everything I do bad im going to suffer for it. But in my heart I believe what im doing is right, so i feel like im going to heaven"Tupac A. Shakur , Either ride or collide with me" "Some reconize the light but cant handle the glare","EVERYTHING HAPPENS FOR A REASON""A man is either condemed or exalted by his words...exalt me'' 'Happiness is not a destination,destiny or place its a decision. Santana" "A superior man is modest in his speech, but exceeds in his actions.UNKNOWN" Otomo No Yakamochi- ''Better never to have met you in my dream than to wake and reach for hands that are not there.'' Trust that i am one of the most patient, loving ,sweet guys you will ever meet . BUT if you push me and test my limits you will push me over the edge one day and you will hear and feel the most horrible things and feelings that i have bottled up inside so please i am not one to take for granted ...even though i am forgiving once that line is crossed nothing will ever be the same. "I will not let whats going on outside my head to affect whats going on inside my head-LP"

What Type of Lover Are You?
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UPDATE03/02/2006 Well typing about myself always feels awkward so as i once said where do i begin where do i end? My name is Eduardo Gomez AKA Eddie and there are "nick names" that are out there that i get called by friends or coworkers. As of the date above im 24 years old and i am dedicated to my hustle . I am in sales and thats about as much as i am going to let random people know who read this without getting to know me first (dont want stalkers). i have been in sales for about 4 years now and i love it! it comes so natural to me, i cant belive i didnt see the sighns when i was little and my dad would give me allowence to buy baseball cards and i would save up enough to buy a box and sell packs to my friends at retail price so i could end up with a half box of cards for free and still end up with enough money to buy another box . i work alot and i do mean alot , now just because i do work alot doest mean i work "hard" i love my job and i dont have to break my back to make a living I know what that side of the "fence" looks like and well theres to much muscle in my hustle to have to break my back for a $. If you dont know me and you ask people about me you might hear unfounded rumors about me or my backround and what ive done ...like Chuck D said from public enemy "dont belive the hype" if its not coming from someone from a first person perspective thats how RUMORS, STORYS AND LEGENDS start . So um yea if you really want to know if something is true about me ask ME not someone else. As for more about me I am a tad shy at first but once i warm up to someone i tend to open up little by little.Music inspires me I love everything from the poems and lyrics of Tupac to the hustler anthems Jay Z speaks of in his albums. I relate most to Tupacs All eyes on me and Jayz's reasonable doubts album so much that i listen to them to inspire me before i go to work . Theres also songs from Nas i listen to I LOVE the song,life is what you make it, i bump it and bump it cuz it inspires me so so much to come up and stay on the grind, "make history before you go fuck the misery of living poor we're making dough" i also listen to 80s( the cure and depeche mode) and rock music (rhcp and sublime pennywise etc) if u wanna know more send me a MESSAGE on here and ask. I DONT DO RANDOM ADDS... or RANDOM "Hook Ups" (yea i know im not a stud but u would be surprised at some of the messages i get) i am not putting people down who do that but it just aint my steelow i am the icky mushy romantic type and if i have a urge to bust a nut really bad i rather just squeeze one off than meet a random stranger off of here cuz that wont give me what i am looking for. oh and theres more random facts about me below .

if u wanna know more send me a MESSAGE on here and ask. I DONT DO RANDOM ADDS... or RANDOM "Hook Ups" (yea i know im not a stud but u would be surprised at some of the messages i get) i am not putting people down who do that but it just aint my steelow i am the icky mushy romantic type and if i have a urge to bust a nut really bad i rather just squeeze one off than meet a random stranger off of here cuz that wont give me what i am looking for oh and theres more random facts about me below .

Hi/Hola im Eddie to most Eduardo to some here are some facts about me

AIM=NYZGUYZFNISHLAST .DONT GET MY SCREEN NAME TWISTED....think about it. What girl doesnt think a guy is nice for finishing last? wink wink

YES I am an Eastsider and proud of it , i dont think i would be half the man with out going thru some of the situations this side took me through back in the day ...what doest kill you only makes u stronger so i guess im stronger than a couple of guns and knifes haha but seriously i think i have lived a life beyond the ..'s of my age . I have seen and done shit most people die wishing they would have done or die being happy because certain things didnt happen to them . I take the Ying with the Yang

dont fuck with me or my loved ones...I have expierenced the loss of a loved one more than my fare share of times...i dont hesitate to react when it comes to situations were a loved one is in danger so think twice...if u know me u know this isnt hype. . you will get hurt

I have a true hustlers spirit that no one will ever break

It seems like every year since freshmen year i turn around and loose a close friend each year . so i cherish my friends


TIRED of girls who FAKE the FUNK i am not going into details but i will leave u with this quote "Treat a lady like a dame and a dame like a lady "-Frank Sanatra. ol blue eyes droppin some knowledge for your ass

I am not perfect as a matter a fact i am very very far from it . If i do get drunk and say something please ignore it . If i ask to be alone please let me be because i am drunk and i would rather loathe by myself and when i am drunk i do say things i do not think about , like things that might hurt someones feelings even if its someone who i really have alot of love for .So if i ever did say something to u that made u hate my guts do not take it to heart because the words had no meaning or thought behind them im sure the slurs in the words verify how empty they were/are...

i have realized that in life there are certain people u will meet that will take advantage of a nice person. Surprisingly enough a movie by the name of Crash has made me realize that just because there was that ONE person who ruined a part of my life and made a horrible year in my life alot worse than it should have been. It doesnt mean every other person i meet will do the same i guess what i am trying to say is that one person affected me in a such a way that i was bitter at life for a while and well i rather just forget and forgive lifes to short to anyone if i have come off as a asshole or anything its just that i have this "shield" over me that keeps people from getting to know me to well or even get a close glimpse of my true feelings and emotions sorry im working on that...

i am a hopeless romantic if i do get close to someone i am honest and give my all to them i want to be thier corazon and want them to be mine ..

I dont trust many people and if i do trust someone and they break that trust then i will pretend i never even met them and exclude them from my life

i Love being a big brother,uncle i am a middle child but with a gap of 8 yrs between my closest older sister and another 8 between my lil bro and i i was pretty much on my own since i was born not ignored but i guess i am used to being independent and rarely need anyone "there"

i work alot i dont know what i would do if i didnt work as much i just wanna secure my future and my loved ones future

i love music with out it i dont know where i would be

my taste in music is very eclectic

i never judge a book by its cover

i am passionatly in love with the custom car scene and community i own a 96 gmc sonoma fully customized to my liking i apreciate all custom rides i think of it as a art form from mini trucks to rat rods and shoe box cars i love them alland yes this is my truck

i love talking on the phone till sunrise with someone i love

i enjoy looking a the sky and sunsets and sunrises i do it at work and my workers trip out its nice people should look up more lol

i treasure my friendships

im good with handling $dinero $ and i am very fortunate with it at times even when it seems ends might come up short i make a way out of no way something i have to thank my father for teaching me "siempre ay ventana o salida " theres always a window or way out of something

i love to drink jager and amber bock and tequilla and corona

im not scared to throw i punch i dont know if thats a gift or curse at times but it cuts through drama and bulshit... gets to the point

I can not stand people who LIE or hide truths its the same thing !

I can not stand people who do not consider other peoples FEELINGS and just think about what they can gain or lose and not about the other persons feelings

i miss my dad

i get depressed at times and ignore people who are in my life who i adore and love sorry about that

i express my feelings spontaneously to people i love just to let them know and so there are no doubts

i love looking at art and reading poems i cant draw and never tried painting i do write but i throw them away im way to shy to let anyone read the most of the time

I enjoying sports , i am a fan of the DALLAS COWBOYS,LA DODGERS, LA LAKERS, shit even LAS CHIVAS RIADAS DE GUADALAJARA america mi la pela =op

i like quotes theres a lesson to be learned in everyone i got hooked on quotes and lesson learning storys since i recived AESOPS FABALES the book as a gift when i was young

Last year was the worst year of my life(2004) but this year is looking great(2005)

I am at my happiest when im with my friends and enjoying our friendship and when im driving alone listening to the doors or an other good cd on a warm summer night

i like dining and good food i dontl ike fast food much even though my schedule force me to get it

i love fresh fruit

mexican style seafood rawks my socks

so does rainbow sherbert

i love my heritage i am MEXICAN i am first generation born in the USA my roots are in a small town in Canadas De Obregon in the altos de Jalisco Mexico not latino not hispanic but mexican

i am planning a trip back to mexico this year hopefully ill get there and takel ots of pics!

i belive what goes around comes around

im one bad muthafawker on a poker table

i am a gentleman but when the lights go off and the door is closed i can be a cochino haha(in a good way though compliments 100,000,000,000 complaints 0! haha )

im loyal even under the most extreme circumstances and never back stab or run away from helping someone when the going gets tough im not all talk im there though thick and thin times "its easy to be a soldier when theres no war" to all u scary people out there think about that quote...

I have come to the conclusion that good things may come to those who wait but most of the time u just get screwed over ....lifes to short to wait for anything so im not wasting my time waiting for anything anymore if you wanna be part of my life you must keep up and be along with me a 100% i dont need anyone holding me back in any way shape or form "either ride with me or collide with me"-TupacAmuru Shakur

i am usually the one my friends reach out to when in need of help and i dont mind that even though i am a middle child my older sis and bros are way older and i was on my own for most of my childhood till my lil bro came along and well im used to being the older more responsible one which i love. If i have love for some one espically a girl i love being the provider and protector and all that stuff since i am not used to looking for help in anyway i always seem to be able to bail my self out no matter what. i think i would panic if couldnt find my way out of a jam ...dont get me wrong theres been close calls but all my loved ones know i always come thru

if theres anything else u wanna know or would like to chat go ahead and instant message me on here or aol my screen name is below its always nice to meet new people espically lady's ;op

Im way to NICE please dont take advantage of that ...you will not like "the not nice Eddie" even though i hardly ever let him out lol.


size="-1"What Type of Lover Are You?
brought to you by Quizilla
You are Schroeder!
Which Peanuts Character are You?
brought to you by Quizilla
You're so depressed... but why? Some people might
call you whiny and annoying, and you are, to
them. You still have people that are willing
to listen to you... right after they've been
What band from the 80s are you?
brought to you by Quizilla
Your aura shines Red!
What Color Is Your Aura?
brought to you by Quizilla Take the quiz: "What do you love about making love?"

You are a lover of love. You love to love and be loved. You are perhaps a hopeless romantic but those are rare nowadays. Think of it as a gift. Whether you are saving yourself for that special someone or you have already found him or her. You are part of an almost extinct species of human. The kind that believe in true love... Because love is truly beautiful!
You're an UNDERBOSS! Of all the henchman types, you
have the coolest title. As far as gangsters go,
you're a trustworthy type, and people are happy
to fork over a little power in exchange for the
skills you have to offer.
The Gangster Quiz: What Kind Are You?
brought to you by Quizilla

My Interests


I'd like to meet:

Pee Wee Herman: There's things about me you don't know, Dottie. Things you wouldn't understand. Things you couldn't understand. Things you shouldn't understand.
Dottie: I don't understand.
Pee Wee Herman: You don't want to get mixed up with a guy like me. I'm a loner, Dottie. A rebel

SOME ONE WHO DOESNT LIKE TO DO THIS TO ME...at least not till after I get bored of her...haha I used to not "ADD" random people on here but who cares ! its just myspace whats the worst that can happen?... I tell you to fuck off then delete you! the real question is WHATS THE BEST THAT CAN HAPPEN? hehe so come one come all =o)


DJ MUGGS MASH UPS AND TRANSPLANTS IN HEAVY ROTATION RIGHT NOWmight as well start from the begining and the list all sorts of oldies el chicano, santana, doors, jimi hendrix, velvet underground.beatles, rolling stones, and many more from the 60s and 70s, african bambata, run dmc, ll cool j, kurtis blow, ice t , old nwa,mc breed, dj quick and im sure im forgetting alot more of the 80s rap influence i luved when i was lil, madonna, the cure ,smiths, Depeche Mode , u2,wang chung,softcell,devo,eurythmics.etc , ramones, the clash, misfits, rollins band, sex pistols,anthrax, agent orange,bad religeon......egh tired of thinkinf of 80s stuff i listened to with cuzn's n siblings....now diffrent bands/groups in no specific order...guns n roses...metalica....nirvana . sublime...tom petty..bob marley..smashing pumpkins ..zwan..red hot chili peppers, no doubt,janes addiction,NIN,offspring,rage against the machine , anything zach de la rocha,green day,tool,foo fighters,..........ok enoughrock now to my hip hop- 2pac,snoop dog, dr dre, cypresshill, wutang, outkast , biggie, bone,eazy e ,ice cube , jay z , knaye west, twista , 50 cent g unit , tony yayo, warren g beanie seagel, memph bleek, jada kiss , styles, redman , nas, daz , busta rhymes , eminem , method man , big pun , wyclef, jon fortay, too short , suga free , fabolous, and i know i forgot some ..but that should give u a idea of my diverse music taste :O).....korn.....coldplay......paul oakenfold...nerd, white stripes, dead prez (mind sex,awsome song by dead prez),obie tricecormegapennywisebeastie boys,ozzy,pennywise etc ...could go on and on


all types exept over the top actions such as biker boys and once upon a time in mexico those just suck.passion of Christ,lost in translation,garden state,closer,meet the fockers,high fidelty, full metal jacket,ferris buhellers day off,breakfast club,goonies,weird science,oceans 12,crash,full metal jacket, eternal sunshine of the spotless mind, animal house,blues brothers,the life aquatic, the royal tenabuams, High roller the stu unger story,requim for a dream,chopper,blow,most cheech and chong,half baked,y tu mama tambien,EWOKS the movie (guilty pleasure ), goonies,oceans eleven, anarckest cook book , snatch, scareface , fear and loathing in las vegas .most johnny depp movies , im gonna get u sucka, gangster no.1,kill bill 1&2,fresh,goodfellas,casino,donnie brasko,21 grams,traffic, gleming the cube, heathers,farenhight 911,confesions of a dangerous mind,pam and tommy lee video tape, the legend of earl the g.o.a.t.,wwf wrestlemania where ultimate warrior beats hulk hogan and shakes the ropes and ring that was awesome=op , PINERO,kids,Amores perros, el crimen de padre amarro most of the spanish cinema like the moviesi just mentioned and no not the nako or perrures spanish cinema where all they talk about is turr ru ru and alot of 80s and early 90s movies i have forgotten about but i get all psyched about when i see them playing on t.v
Tony Montana
What Scarface character are you?
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real world , mtv ,entourage, soutpark ,family guy stwie is a gangsta,Rome, crank yankers , insomniac dave atell , espn, 70s show, , hbo'in it up..and skinamax opps cinemax once in a while wink wink wild boyz viva la bam jackass knoxville , aqua teen hunger force , the spanish chanels cuz the ladys on there are banging /that japenese show that they show on comedy central where they do obsticales and eat shit ... if u listen to the anouncers they say some funny of the wall shit!
More Funny Stuff at GOYK.COM


im weird depends what catches my eye and what im in the mood for. I also like reading art, espically Banksy and Salvador Dali THIS IS NOT A PICTURE OF NAKED GIRLS! THEY ARE IN A FIGURE OF A SKULL WHICH IN MY OPINION SYMBOLIZES THAT SOME BITCH'S ARE JUST EVIL ;OP


My UKC registered blue PitBull Isis heyzus is my buddy :O), me mum and dad, my older brothers and my bro in law is pretty cool i guess im blessed :O)...........every independent business owner because "when u work for some 1 all they care about is making a buck off u dont be pimped out by any CORPERATION and if your not productive they boot u on your a$$ as soon as they can...work for yourself son and your family and u will be happy "my jefe oh and the guy from police academy u know the guy... who makes all the cool siren noises and sound effects that guy is fawkin cool PH AND THE PROFESIONAL LIP SYNKER AT RILEYS WHO WEARS DERBY HATS AND A LEATHER JACKET...THAT FOO IS GANGSTER HAHA HE IS THERE EVERY THURSDAY FRIDAY AND SATURDAY NOW THATS CONSISTANT AND CONSISTANCY IS AN INGRIDENT IN GREATNESS and dis kneegrow Y ESTE GUEY!

My Blog

The Laker passionate!

.." target="_self"> jr said it best in his bulletin when the season started, many experts. Predicted this team wasn't even gonna make the playoffs. And even before they made the...
Posted by QuienEsTuPapi! on Thu, 19 Jun 2008 04:49:00 PST

I think I am nice right? tell me. I kinda feel bad...kinda but egh even nice guys get fed up

So I got some hate mail from a girl...who I guess I can say I gave my attention to alot at one point and time as she did with me, always carefree drama free and nothign but good times. As time passed ...
Posted by QuienEsTuPapi! on Mon, 26 May 2008 05:09:00 PST

I got to say hard work and praying flipped the script

from last months blog below...its like im the golden child now, every thing i touch turns in to gold and not bling bling gold but BLING BLOW gold. Instead of worrying about bills im paying off mo...
Posted by QuienEsTuPapi! on Fri, 16 May 2008 09:16:00 PST

Myspace.com Blogs - Devore, August 9th - Rock The Bells MySpace Blog

http://blog.myspace.com/index.cfm?fuseaction=blog.... ROCK THE BELLS! 8-9-08 WHO ELSE IS GOING? CLICK HERE FOR DETAILS...
Posted by QuienEsTuPapi! on Mon, 12 May 2008 06:12:00 PST


"I believe that sex is one of the most beautiful, natural, wholesome things that money can buy." --Tom Clancy "You know "that look" women get when they want sex? Me neither." --Steve Martin "Ha...
Posted by QuienEsTuPapi! on Wed, 16 Jan 2008 11:09:00 PST

Go ahead and move i dare you!

Why do people think its so cool to Bakersfield bash? I have one question to everyone who does, have you ever lived for a long period of time any where else? If so why did you "have to come back?" I me...
Posted by QuienEsTuPapi! on Thu, 29 Nov 2007 03:57:00 PST

As I retreat back into my dark soul may i have a momment of silence

For one of my "roll dogs" Issac Celio REST IN PEACE ... Who would have thought that the last time i saw u two weeks ago when u cracked open that blunt and offered it to me to blow , it would have...
Posted by QuienEsTuPapi! on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

does evil exist?

Does evil exist? The university professor challenged his students with this question. Did God create everything that exists? A student bravely replied, "Yes, he did!" "God created everything? The prof...
Posted by QuienEsTuPapi! on Thu, 15 Mar 2007 02:09:00 PST

best answer ever

The following is supposedly an actual question given on a University of Washington chemistry mid-term. The answer by one student was so "profound" that the professor shared it with colleagues, via the...
Posted by QuienEsTuPapi! on Tue, 18 Apr 2006 12:15:00 PST

my nieces are fo fawkin gangster

dont let the one in the pink fool you she is the oldest and the leader, u cant see her right arm cuz shes holding her "strap" behind her back haha jk i found this pic on my comp seems like my lil...
Posted by QuienEsTuPapi! on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST