Judy or Nisha (if ur nasty) profile picture

Judy or Nisha (if ur nasty)


About Me

Welcome to my page! I appreciate your patronage and I hope you find it entertaining. Stay awhile and learn a little about me. Don't forget to leave a comment either on the page or on one of my pics.Thanks again. Judy;-)P.S. Despite the nature of some of my pictures, I am truly a respectable lady.These pics were all taken in good fun.I felt the need to add this disclaimer due to the nature of the messages I receive.As you can see I am a woman of many faces,literally.I don't take myself too seriously,life is too short!!!Myspace Contact Tables , hosting by Imgdump.net'
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Dis forDreamy
Yis forYoung What Does Your Name Mean?

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tupac,biggie,memphis bleek,jayz,pretty ricky,r kelly(artists i listen to on the regular)but i enjoy every genre


beauty and the beast,the devils advocate,menace to society,the five heartbeats,cb4,how to be a player,titanic,goodfellas,old school,the color purple,big fish,you got served,forrest gump


any reality show


auto-bio of malcolm x,bugs bunny space rocket one (the 1st book i learned to read my big sis torri read it to me every night when i was 4 and i memorized it!)


my mom,oprah,tyra banks,beyonce,mary j blige,halle berry,queen latifah,angelina jolie,denzel washington,teachers,single moms/dads,people in FAITHFUL commited relationships,and anyone who volunteers or donates to a worthy cause.MY FAVORITE FAIRYTALE.I'M JUST A BEAUTY LOOKING FOR MY BEAST WITH HOPES THAT HE'LL TURN INTO MY PRINCE...THE FOLLOWING ARE THE LYRICS TO INDIA.ARIE'S SONG "THE TRUTH".I THINK THE LADIES WOULD AGREE WITH ME WHEN I SAY ALL WE WANT IS "THE TRUTH".[Spoken:] Let me tell you why I love him[Chorus:] Cause he is the truth Said he is so real And I love the way that he makes me feel And if I am a reflection of him then I must be fly cause his light it shines so bright I wouldn't lie[Verse 1:] I remember the very first day I saw him I found myself immediately intrigued by him Its almost like I knew this man from another life Like back then maybe I was his husband and maybe he was my wife And even, the things I don't like about him are fine with me Because its not hard for me to understand him because his so much like me And its truly my pleasure to share his company And I know that its GOD's gift to breathe yeah he breathe[Repeat Chorus][Verse 2:] How can the same man that makes me so mad -do you know what he did-[spoken] Turn right around and kiss me so soft -girl do you know what he did-[spoken] If he ever, left me I wouldn't even be sad no because there's a blessing in every lesson And I'm glad that I even knew him at all[Repeat Chorus]I love the way he speaks I love the way he thinks I love the way he treats his mama I love that gap in between his teeth I love him in every way that a woman can love a man from personal to universal but most of all its unconditional-you know what I'm talking about-[spoken] Thats the way I feel -and I always will-[spoken]There's aint no substitute for the truth either it is or isnt cause he is the truth you see the truth it, needs no proof either it is or it isnt Cause he is the truth Now you know the truth by the way it feels and if I am a reflection of him then I must be fly cause he is yes he is I wonder does he know [echoes]

My Blog

"I am who I am"

You are who you are.Never apologize for being you and don't let any one make you feel inferior because of your shortcomings or misfortunes. Have you ever been having a great day and someone comes alon...
Posted by Judy or Nisha (if ur nasty) on Wed, 14 Jun 2006 09:51:00 PST