Writing, reading, drawing, painting, listening to music, dancing like a fool, the SCA, Music Haven, pirates, heat (I thrive in heat), expressing my opinions, equality, and Ben & Jerry's ice cream.
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The entire cast of Firefly, the entire cast of Lord of the Rings, Larry Niven, Joss Whedon, Johnny Depp, the Dalai Lama, Kofi Annan, and...I don't know...people.
Everything that's NOT rap, hip-hop, country or annoying gospel (Sweet Honey in the Rock DOES NOT COUNT as annoying gospel). If you want a general sample... Flogging Molly, Daft Punk, Hanson, Metallica, James Taylor, Rammstein, John Denver, Tom Lehrer, The Coats, Sweet Honey in the Rock (in case you hadn't guessed), and bagpipe music. That's right, bagpipes. Bagpipes are fucking hardcore.
Anything that lacks sappy love scenes and bad acting. Hence, I despise Star Wars I and II, but I enjoy Episode III (more good acting than bad). If you want a basic list... Serenity (Joss Whedon is a crazy fucking GENIUS), Lord of the Rings (especially Fellowship), Dogma, Robin Hood: Prince of Theives, Toys, Finding Nemo, original Star Wars, Independence Day, Men In Black, Duel, Troy (except for the cheesy love scenes), Kingdom of Heaven, Pirates of the Caribbean, Master and Commander, anything Muppets, Apollo 13, The 13th Warrior, Shrek, Shrek 2, Dodgeball, Donnie Darko...you get the idea.
House and LOST. And Firefly, but stupid Fox Network cancelled it!! But yeah, that's it. Modern television SUCKS.
Holy crap, you want me to list them? Lord of the Rings (everything Tolkien, really), Ringworld and its sequels, Ender's Game and its sequels, The Dragonriders of Pern series, The Halfblood Chronicles, all the Valdemar books, Windhaven, Earth Abides, The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy trilogy (all five books), Footfall, Inferno...really anything by Larry Niven, Jerry Pournelle, Isaac Asimov, Arthur C. Clarke, Robert Heinlein, Bob Asprin, or any of the other really good sci-fi writers.
Kofi Annan, the Dalai Lama, Einstein, Martin Luther King Jr., Mother Theresa, Paul Wellstone, the Wright Brothers, Neil Armstrong, Galileo Galilei, Mahatma Gandhi, Charles Loftus-Cole, and Steve "Zeke" Quinn.