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wHerE aRe wE NOw?

About Me

DOB:10//17//198? HaIR cOLor: BalD ( CalBO )
HEigHT /:/ BIg ThINgS cOMeS iN SMalL PACkagES!!! (TRaVEl SIzE)
LOcAtIOn /:/ HErE THerE EvERywHERe!!! (UCLA TO LV)
SIgN /:/ LIBrA
FaVOrIte coLOr /:/ ORanGE, REd, ORanGE, REd!!
OccUpaTIon /:/ ParT OWneRshiP oF A REcoRd LAbeL (BLACK..ICE..PARK..) AnD NIghT CLuB!!
CaR TYpE /:/ 95 Rx7 BLACK
sTaTuS /:/ SinGLe ANd TAkiNG aPplICAtIOnS!!
FAvOriTe PeRSon /:/ ????????
FaVOriTE FoOD /:/ BOk-lA-HonG oR AdBO!!
FAvoRitE PLaCE /:/ iN HEr ARmS!!
FaVOrIte POsitIOn /:/ LEg OVeR mY ArmS!!!! lolz
FaVOriTe ANimAL /:/ RAbBitS
FaVOriTE faSt FoOD /:/ Mc DOO, JoLly-BEe!!!
FaVorIte Pet /:/ ISh BAluTe!!!! (DUCk EGg)
FaVOriTE clOTHing BRaND /:/ BLAcK LabEL, AMeRIcan EAgle, GAp, BAnaNA REpuBLIc
FAvoRItE DEliVEry SeRVicE /:/ LBC, cARgo Mo KARGO kO, QUOTE fROm REx NAVaREtt "JuST JUmP BEhiND iT ANd THeN PaCk iT!"
FaVOrITe THiNg tO dO /:/ FixINg CaRS, RaCInG, DRiFTinG (LIKE A MONKEY), CAnyON RUnNinG, SuRfINg, LoOKinG aT CaRS!!
My FiRsT LOvE /:/ MARY UY AND MicKEy mOUsE!!
HOw MANy DRivInG VIoLAtIOns /:/ ToO MAnY!!
FaVorITE SOnG /:/ EvERy BEaT Of MY HARt, GOttA Be, BECaUsE oF YoU
FAvoRitE BobA PLaCE /:/ LOllY cUP!
FAvoRitE SImpSon /:/ HOMER
THinGS i DONt LIkE /:/ SmeLlY FeEt
// well if you have other questions just hit it up // ooh yeah i love surfing!!! its the shit! // ooh! yeah im a nerd too and a the biggest whale penis in the world(which would mean im the biggest dork there is!!) // i drink alot too! (no not milk!!) well i guess i dont really know my self // just say im a really nice guy!! hahahaha! one thing MUCH propz too the bro'z at "PI DELTA PSI" keep up with good work guyz and keep the brotherhood strong! // yeah! and david dont spend too much on the crapz tables! try too spend more time at UCLA!!hahahaha! // well im really a easy going guy! // thats really kick back! dont under estimate the dorky look cuz i will run you over //
Fallin' out, fallin' in Nothing's sure in this world no, no Breakin' out, breakin' in Never knowin' what lies ahead We can really never tell it all no, no, no Say goodbye, say hello To a lover or friend Sometimes we never could understand Why some things begin then just end We can really never tell it all no, no, no
But oh, can't you see That no matter what happens Life goes on and on So baby, just/please smile Coz im always around you And ill make you see how beautiful Life is for you and me
Take a little time baby See the butterflies color's Listen to the birds that were sent To sing for me and you Can you feel me This is such a wonderful place to be Even if there is pain now Everything would be all right For as long as the world still turns There will be night and day Can you hear me There's a rainbow always after the rain
Ohh, whoa
Hittin' high, hittin' low Win or lose you should go, yeah yeah Getting warm, getting cold Weather could be so good or bad But baby this is life now don't get mad no, no, no
Coz oh, cant you see That no matter what happens Life goes on and on So baby, please smile Coz im always around you And ill make you see how beautiful Life is for you and me
Take a little time baby See the butterflies' colors Listen to the birds that were sent To sing for me and you Can you feel me This is such a wonderful place to be Even if there is pain now Everything would be all right For as long as the world still turns There will be night and day Can you hear me There's a rainbow always after the rain
Life's full of challenges Not all the time we get what we want But don't despair my dear coz I know now You'll take each trial and you'll make it through the storm Coz you're strong my faith in you is clear So ill say once again this worlds wonderful and Let us celebrate life that's so beautiful, so beautiful Ohhhh
Take a little time baby See the butterflies' colors Listen to the birds that were sent To sing for me and you Can you feel me This is such a wonderful place to be Even if there is pain now Everything would be all right For as long as the world still turns There will be night and day Can you hear me There's a rainbow always after the rain

My Interests

reading // driving too god knowz were! (las vgas, nevada)// drifting // cooking(the foodnetwork) // dringking // dringking coffe and smoken // and more!

I'd like to meet:

: tO mY bESt FrIEnd...alL i hAve to say is ..."you are the perfect verse to any beat!!!" everyday without you ...... miss you!!!!124 ..


Music: i THinK i LikE EvERytHinG? // WelL nOt rEallY aNYthInG oKAy fiNE i LiKe (JaPAneSe sONgs // aLOt oF SLow SLow jaMS //... // WaT eLEs? cAn soMEonE rEmiND mE // ... // pLZ!) avant - don't take your love away


fast and the furious; 2fast2furious ... did i spell that right? ; better luck 2marow; hackers; a walk too remember(yeah i know ... it makes me cry too)biker boyz; serendipity; how high; Mr.deeds; anything by adam sandler; i dont know wat else?...



SimPsONs // ThaT 70's sHOw // biG bROthEr 4 // ThE foOd nEtwORk // ThE iRoN cHEf // fRieNds // jACkasS // WilD b0yZ // RoOM rAiDerz // ThE FiLipINo cHanNeL// TFC MTB // i doNT knOw i hARdlY WatCh TV toO BizZy wORkinG oN caRz!!!


HmMM? // ... // INiTiaL D // GreEN bAlUT aNd spAm, 101 waYZ ToO coOk sPAm // BarTenDErs biBLe // ThE cAT iN tHe hAT, aLL oF dR.sueS'Z bo0kZ // HaRRy POt HEaD


HomER SimPsoN ... jebus ... mary

My Blog

read this now ... so pissed

look i just got a call from this fuken jack ass .... like around 4a.m. and fuken pissed me off ... dude im so fuken pissed... and to mary ... if that was your boyfriend or your ex or wat ever that fuk...
Posted by DiaH on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

just for thought!!!

who i want to meet: juz old friendz and just for thought .|:|. all im looking for is a gurl that would love me not who i was in the past or who i am now and for who im gonna be in the future!! .|:|. i...
Posted by DiaH on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

work today

well today i had work and it was fuken crazy...give me 1HR. to sleep and i'll put more shit on....
Posted by DiaH on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST


Well wat can I say... It's my B-day today yey... Well I just want to share that with you guyz ... Well I guess I'm just gonna get drunk now!
Posted by DiaH on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST