I work as a hack (books, theatre, rock), luvvie and music biz odd-job man.I compile albums and write booklet notes. See the photo for one of my 'creations', Balling The Jack on Ocho records.I help out various bands and artistes, including Seasick Steve. I was the man who introduced Seasick to the UK back in April 2004, and I managed the old boy in the dark days before his fame. I'm currently trying to get Dogbreath, the Agnostic Mountain Gospel Choir, Hell's Kitchen, Petit Vodo, Chicken Legs Weaver, The Moulettes and Eric Bling the rewards their talents so richly deserve.I work for Bronzerat Records, and have set up a subsidiary label for them called Balling The Jack. The Agnostic Mountain Gospel Choir's album Ten Thousand is our first release. You can read more about the band at www.myspace.com/agnosticmgcI've just written the scripts for a documentary series about jazz, blues and soul, narrated by Morgan Freeman, for the Smithsonian Institution's TV channel. Now working on a second series about musicians with Clarksdale, Ms connections.I DJ out and about, mostly playing for the Big Chill and Not The Same Old Blues Crap organisations.My radio show, also named Balling The Jack, airs on Resonance FM (www.resonancefm.com) every Tuesday at 1pm (GMT). 104.4 fm in London, via the website everywhere else.
My Interests
I'd like to meet:
Elvis Presley, Charles Dickens, Robert Johnson and George 'Bongo Joe' Coleman. The person who can change the Star Sign element in this profile. I'm an Ophiuchus, I tell ya...