My ohh so sexy Boyfiernd Zach i would die if i didn't have him! My Sexy lil sos..jessi... i'd be losted w/out her! My Baby Boy mikey..i love my cat! My Brother Paul.. love him! Awww.. my james :( i miss him! My erin look at her sexy face my juile Dancing the night away Brettakins.. i love this kid.. he makes me laught My girls Pongo and tach Love goofing off w/ my ll sis and being Random MNS RoXzvolleyball,skating,hackie,drums poetry,friends,scaring ppl.. i think that's it!
id like to meet a lot of famous(pro) skaters and pro volleyball players..also marlin masone,slipknot,saliva,stadic X,fear factory,Msi, and a lot of other bands!
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i love listning to music.. i love rock the most out of every thing and i am going to start a girl rock band!
i like scary movies and comedies and once in a while love stories r good but most of them sux SSDD!!
ummm i don't watch TV a lot so yeah!
umm Forged By fire, Falling up, where the sidewalk ends, a light in the Addict, star girl and i think that's it.. i don't read a lot to into music!
My Big brother is my hero.. i love him.. he's always been their for me!he's playing a game in DB he's like a big 24 yr old nerd.really.. he's betten that game 1 to many times!ummmm.. mickpeek and yong, walsh,may, reece (volleyball players)umm bam,tony hawk, buck lasty,chad muskit... joey from slipknot,manson,some of my friends,kim,jessi,tricia