General information
The Cane Corso is a great guard dog, extremely loyal to its family and quite aloof with strangers. He has a very protective nature and yet is able to discern friend from foe. He instinctively knows when to become a terrifying, defensive and protective dog for its owner, his grounds, the house and the whole family. He should be submissive to his family and suspicious of strangers.The Cane Corso is normally a quiet dog, barking only when alerted to a strange situation. Despite the breeds size they make excellent house dogs and are very athletic.This breed needs socialization and as any large dog, owners should obedience train their dog. They get along well with children, protective yet gentle, seemingly aware of the child's helplessness and innocence. Their temperament is very stable. The Cane Corso devotedly loves his family. The Cane Corso requires a great deal of attention and training, so if your not prepared to make this commitment then maybe the Cane Corso is not the dog for you, also a person that doesn't have experience with a dominant dog. Corsos, especially males, can be very dominant and will challenge you for what he perceives to be leadership of the pack (your home and family). Considering their size and abilities it’s best that a person who has experience with this type of behavior should own one.The Cane Corso is an excellent guard dog, generally staying on his grounds. He has a strong sense of territory. The Cane Corso loves attention from his family, he is gentle with the children seemingly aware of there vulnerability. His look is bold and noble. The Corso until a few years ago was bred just for his working abilities. Keep in mind that these dogs are only off the farms since 1988. The Corso has a dominant nature especially towards other dogs. If he's raised with other dogs he should be fine with them. He should be socialized with other animals at an early age. The Corso will not run from a fight and will not back down from a challenge. Most Cane Corsos have a reserved nature towards strangers. Basically they have to get to know you before they become overly friendly towards you. This behavior is totally acceptable given this breeds history as a guard dog.Socialization is a must for the Cane Corso. The best place to start is puppy kindergarten, you can start as early as 8 weeks. Your Corso will learn to interact with adults, children and other dogs, as well as learn basic obedience (sit, down, come and stay) Your kindergarten instructor will also be able to help you with problems you may be having with your puppy such as housebreaking, dominance and destructive chewing habits. It’s basically a good way for you an your puppy to get off on the right foot and have a successful relationship. Your vet should be able to recommend a school in your area. It is strongly recommended that obedience training become a permanent part of your Corsos life. It doesn't have to be in formal school but you should continue to work with the dog. This will serve to keep you established as the pack leader.The Cane Corso bonds quickly to his family and becomes quite attached especially to the children. They enjoy being included in the family activities. Their high level of athleticism lends itself to include such activities as bike riding, swimming, long walks, jogging, or just playing fetch. It is not a good idea to get a Corso and just throw him in the yard and forget about him. He can handle the weather but what he can not handle is being isolated from his family. Corsos (dogs in general) are social animals and need companionship. To deprive them of that is cruel. Corsos make excellent house or apartment dogs however keep in mind the dog requires daily exercise. Ask your community leaders about dog runs or dog friendly parks. If there are none in your area a long walk or a little jogging should do nicely for both you and your dog.
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