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6/14/09 Ear Update/Comment from mama
The little guy kept staying in spots where I couldn't get a good pic of the inside of the ear. He's all better now, but I don't think all the fur will grow back in. Oh well, it adds to his charm! ~ Ruger's Mom
OMG, had to be put in the carrier, and lexus was in another carrier next to me.....there were dogs, children, a man with water....but surprisingly not that bad. i feel a little peaceful.
~~~~~~~~~my comment back to the ragu:
it been goin' pretty good. this time of year there are tons more crickets and other things coming around! i aint had no new treats and stuff since mama decided to not give so much yums yums anymore. so i actually have to go back to my wild/survival nature. i mean i'm a pretty good hunter, and just because i've managed to kill off all of the bunnies and theres no more things to leave for my people, she think i'm a lazy chub chub! not my fault the food grandma gives me is full of fat!
anyways, she (my mama) is one handed now because she went to the people vet and he cut open her hand real bad, so this must be taking forever! HAHA! and yesturday she was sick because of the vicodin, had to miss work, and now she on nothing but extra streangth tylonol! HAHA! but she all better now!
Bunny Body Count Update: bunny #5??
I guess so. Who's counting? Mama don't know exactly how many I've killed, sometimes there just furrr left.
Anyways, mama saw the bunny parts under the bush yesterday when she went to open the window. I don't leave them on the porch any more because they take it away, and thems good eatins!
Mama always wonders where the heads and some of the limbs are. She too nozy!
Origin and Meaning:Unknown
Backwards, it is Regur Yttucilligam
In Pig Latin, it is Ugerray Agillicuttymay.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~My Favorite Things Outside:
1. Eating Grass. With the way my coloring is, mom calls me her little cow-boy. Also, some good advice to newcomers to the outside world, stay away from the "crab grass", because it will make you barfy barf! This "crab grass" is thicker and harder to digest than the regular stuff, but it's all green and yummy, so sometimes I eat it by mistake. Sometimes the barfy barf happens soon afterward so you barfy barf outside, but sometimes it hits you later, and you barfy barf inside, and you feel ashamed. I don't understand that part, being ashamed. I guess it's because your people look up to you and feel disapointed when you barf on their stuff. So anyways, stay away from "crab grass"!
2. Eating Bugs. This is a good activity whether you're inside or outside. When done outside it's all fun, and just part of the natural way of things. When done inside, it's your duty, and you earn back respect and love from barfing or the years of damage from clawing furniture and stuff.
3. Killing Other Animals And Leaving Their Remains On the Porch. This is a great way to let your people know you love and respect them as well. But another word of advice, do not bring in any part of the body parts! I tried this with a skin of a bunny, but grandma said no no, and slammed the door in my face. Lesson learned. And I've said this before, I sometimes hunt birds, but mostly I like bunnies and bugs and snakes and stuff.
My Favorite Things Inside:
1. Plastic Bags. Cool sounding when they are on the floor and when the wind moves them. Not safe to play in, so I've been told, but I haven't died yet.
2. Paper Bags. Fun to hide in and your people think its real cute.
3. Boxes. Something nostalgic about it.
4. Pillows. Usually situated near your people's heads when they asleep. You can't usually get kicked there, and you will rarely get slapped.
5. Comforters. Warm and cozy, no matter what season it is.
6. Windows. Sunshine and safety from the rain, if you want the feeling of being outside, without all the danger of getting wet or struck by lightening.
1. Hunting
2. Stalking
3. Chasing
1. Actor
2. Assassin
3. Guard cat
Old Time Baseball (2/20/09)

My Blog

Get ready for Santa already, MOMMMM!

That's right, I didn't say Mama, because I'm darn mad!She better keep her promise!I don't smell sardines and turkey, and I don't see a tree, and I don't see the curly ribbons and other cool stuff!Come...
Posted by on Wed, 02 Dec 2009 14:04:00 GMT

Not Yet / shrimp and sardines

Looks like mama will be around for a whileHope I get shrimp and sardines during the holidays this year! Turkey meat with skin plus neck and gizzards for Thanksgiving.For Christmas and New Years, want ...
Posted by on Thu, 12 Nov 2009 10:08:00 GMT

Somebody Is Going To Die!

And so I might be without a mama for a while!Don't worry, she not dying.Hope that doesn't sound insensitive.
Posted by on Sun, 08 Nov 2009 19:27:00 GMT

UPDATE: my summer / gangs / dead animals / holes

I don't know about you guys, but my myspace stuff has been messed up for a few weeks and mama can't put my updates up, so she's just been paying attention to herself and other facebook peoples, includ...
Posted by on Sat, 07 Nov 2009 09:13:00 GMT

Rugerite behavior? This might be my kid!
Posted by on Wed, 19 Aug 2009 12:37:00 GMT

I got a snake today!

Mama keeps begging to see my snake! after she went in, i disappeared with the snake!
Posted by on Mon, 27 Jul 2009 11:20:00 GMT

Thanks for the B-Day wishes!

I don't know how old I am though. But what is age anyways? Who cares! You're born, you live for a while, and you die. Big deal! Whose idea was it to keep track of these so called 'years'? What is a 'y...
Posted by on Sat, 04 Jul 2009 09:35:00 GMT

Check out this video: Late Night with Jimmy Fallon - Intense Interview: Cameron Diaz

Check out this video: Late Night with Jimmy Fallon - Intense Interview: Cameron Diaz
Posted by on Mon, 29 Jun 2009 10:28:00 GMT

Dogs Are Dumb
Posted by on Tue, 02 Jun 2009 07:55:00 GMT

About Fuzzy Cat Bug:

Fuzzy Cat Bug was one of my people's favorite kitties. His parents were his older brother Daytona and their mother Moonshine. He had webbed feet, uneven furr, big ears, and his tongue poked out of his...
Posted by on Mon, 18 May 2009 14:23:00 GMT