The MFME is an organization working to implement Mutual Economics alongside the current music industry - giving musicians a second choice as to how they would like music production/distribution to function. Under capitalism the music industry works from the "top down" leaving musicians begging at the bottom for a chance to impress club owners and record executives. The MFME works from the "bottom up" allowing musicians to sell their music for less money on the internet while still making enough profit to continue the creative process. This makes it possible for the fans to support unsigned "self-managed" musicians. Dynamic Ratio Pricing (DRP) rewards the musician based on the "peoples intrest" not "capital gains" so instead of musicians finding success from some big break (that may never happen) they are paid according to membership sales - the more members they get, the more money each membership is worth. Members can download high quality mp3s, aiffs, wavs, videos, and even printable CD booklets from the musician's webite. So the music ends up costing as much as it is actually worth, instead of how much "supply and demand" would like to sell it for.
For general information on mutual economics, visit the new ME website.