My long term ambition is to become a full-time novelist. I'm currently working on a supernatural thriller about reincarnation that will make your head spin. So obviously I love books. I've also published a bunch of non-fiction articles in major Irish magazines, and also in Back to Godhead magazine. And watch out for my new spiritual lifestyle magazine backed by the BBT. (If you're interested, drop me a line!) I also love a strange Canadian girl, drumming, swimming, drumming while swimming, adventure, love, laughing at fat people, friends, travelling, and surrealist humor. Chives.
Fun people, old gurukula friends, writers, particularly successful professional ones, and anyone who is positive, ambitious, creative and going somewhere with their life. Also people who like chives.
Anything that rocks: Foo Fighters, Led Zeppelin, Kula Shaker, Red Hot Chili Peppers, H.I.M, Metallica, Green Day, The Prodigy, Tenacious D, and some things that are chilled: Sufjan Stevens, Air, movie soundtracks, etc. And you can't forget the bhajans/kirtans: Aindra, Bhakti Svarupa Damodar Swami, Tribhuvanath's raise the roof rock-outs of days of yore, jamming with Gopagana on Govindadwipa, and the fantastic Amala Kirtana.
I love movies, but it's only every once in a while that something comes along that just knocks the breath out of me: Everything by M. Night Shyamalan, Terminator 1 & 2, The Matrix (first one ONLY), Pulp Fiction, Gladiator, Fight Club, The Last Samurai, Finding Neverland, The Departed. And if you want to see a comedy, don't go further than: Airplane, the Naked Gun series, Anchorman, Dodgeball, Rat Race. Supreme Silliness, every one of them.
TV sucks the energy and creativity out of you. It also sucks ass. But on the rare times that I do watch it with friends, I'll watch comedy: Stand-up, South Park, Friends, and Scrubs. That good stuff.
I read a lot, but stand-out books are: The Three Musketeers, Farenheit 451, Hearts in Atlantis, The World According to Garp, The Wrong Boy, Forrest Gump, On Writing, The Catcher in The Rye, The Witches, Prabhupada Lilamrita, and for comic relief, anything by Dave Barry.
To say Srila Prabhupada would be corny. So instead I'm going to say, Srila Prabhupada. Read the Lilamrita. It will take your breath away. And in the same vein, Tribhuvanath Prabhu from Ireland. Could do anything, did it, and all with complete spontaneity, enthusiasm and a huge grin.
And these guys are not heroes, but their careers are an incredible example: Stephen King, Al Pacino.