My baby Girl, My hUbBy, ChUrCh, wOrkiNg oUt, shOpPiNg, bOWLiNg, dANciNg HuLa/OrI TaHiTi, eAtInG, sLEepInG, LiStEnINg tO mUSic, wAtcHiNg DvDs, TrAvELiNg, StArBuCkS, rEaL eStAtE, iNvEsTmeNt, fRiEnDs & fAmILy gAtHeRiNgS.
tOkYo dRiFt, FiNaL DeStiNaTiOn, StEp uP, tAkE tHe LeAd, cLiCk, sAw I&II, tHe dAy AfTeR tOmOrROw, StAr WaRs, HaRRy PoTteR, BuTtErFly eFfEcts, MeEt tHe FoCkErs, & aNyThiNg tHriLLer/SciFi/SuSpeNsE
CSI, oPrAh, eXtReMe MaKeOvEr (home edition), & sO u tHiNk u cAn dAnCe
Robert Kiyosaki's - Rich Dad/Poor Dad, Cashflow Quadrant, Millionaire Mind, 177 Mental Toughness of the World Class, The ABC's of Building a Business Team that Wins, Think & Grow Rich, The Right to Lead
My Hubby, My Mom & My Brother!