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Sub Minimal

About Me

By the way, Starslash is the best band ever. I'm a raw fucking story teller. Life is just long and you stare a lot. The universe is best enjoyed blankly. I let people be a mystery and try not to predict them or outsource anything i feel about myself to them 'till their reay. I like nice people. I'm an on and off stoner. I like cuddleing and being close to people, making them feel good with free stuff like art. I play a lot of music and will always join a band, most of the experiences in my life are ready to be poured into that. I'll always do any good drug, but your ass will have to know what that is. I'll always stomp somebody down if i have to but like to stay chill. I think people like me, I like good conversation beyond who people know. I'm usualy the mid level cutty or person to get bottles for my friends and auqantances. Everything and all its energy adds up to cancel out, be round, and eternal; so have the intercontradictory peace with u and like shit. You can look at life from just your mind, your dreams, where everything boils down to belifes and their alterations that wouldn't make sense to anyone else; you have senses in some state and a level of bliss, so your mind is a definate tide you controll. You can view everything as being made up of love and almost anamisticaly simple, where you just mean and understand things that are a part of your love through expression and securety. I worship Love, Belife, Intuition, Discresion.

My Blog

Perkin' and fiendin' for weed

tried to get some people over today, paul chilled for a while but my mom was being a bitch (technicaly and all) and more people couldnt come. Marina could almost come over. ive got all my shit set up ...
Posted by on Fri, 28 Jul 2006 17:45:00 GMT


 kelly's comment pains me while i sit here crossfaded with rum, and dizzy on the inside of a blunt.  
Posted by on Sun, 23 Jul 2006 14:27:00 GMT