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Its better to be a smartass, than to be a dumbass

About Me

What’s up, it’s David IV (aka Four), and I’m a college sophomore going into my 3 semester of a 5 yr degree (I think). Chillin with friends, listening to music, my car, spending time with my amazing girlfriend EMMY, and working are some of my hobbies…if ya care to know. My life may seem crazy to most people, I work full time at the Home Depot, I'm a full time student, and somehow I manage to spend as much time as possible with Emily, someone really dear to my heart, my love. Some people think of me as an ass, but all I say is that I have one of those. If you knew me in the past, u may be shocked to know me now...I have changed a lot especially in the past year...I’m starting to become more outgoing, I’ve changed my clothing style, changed my hairstyle, and I’ve lost a lot of weight since senior year (about 90lbs) and 60lbs since graduation, however my heart is still the same.
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MySpace Survey...Tell All!
Name:: David........Pritchard
Nicknames:: 4...Dave........Pritch...........and of course.....smartass
Birthplace:: Guilderland, NY
Current Location:: Hershey, pa
Hair Color:: Brown
Eye Color:: Brown
Height:: 5'-9"
Weight:: 160
Tattoos?:: none...yet
Piercings?:: nope
Overused Phrase:: prob fuck
Bedtime:: when I’m tired
Best Physical Feature:: u would have to ask the girls that question..cuz I have no clue
Most Embarrassing Moment:: I think when I spun my car out when trying to look fly
Most Missed Memory:: chillin with my cuz during summers and when I was visiting NY
First Thought When You Wake Up:: did I leave myself enough time to hit snooze a few times
Weakness:: someone who has fun all the time
Best Friends:: Ryan, Melinda, Emmy, Carly, Logan, Shiff..........
Goal For The Year:: have more fun
Greatest Fears:: being paralyzed
--This Or That--
Pepsi or Coke...: Pepsi
McDonalds or Burger King...: wendies
Hot Tea or Ice Tea...: neither
Chocolate or Vanilla...: chocolate
Water or Milk...: since I’m lactose intolerant....h2o
Coffee or Hot Chocolate...: coffee...YUCK.....hot chocolate all the way
Hugs or Kisses...: both
Cats or Dogs...: either
Summer or Winter...: winter
Scary Movies or Romantic Comedies...: both have its advantages.......scary and they are in your arms...and romantic....gives them ideas
Love or Money...:I would have said money….but since I found someone I love……
Green Grapes or Purple Grapes...: purple
Number:: 4
Food:: lasagna
Type of Music:: rock/metal
Candy:: payday
Color:: black/red
Animal:: wolf
Drink:: lemonade
Body Part on the Opposite Sex:: ass
Movie:: Monty python and the holy grail
Past Time:: car audio
--Have You Ever--
Drank?: nope
Smoked?: nope...and don’t wanna
Been Beaten Up?: sorta
Bullied Someone?: unfortunally...yes...and it is something I regret...and apologize for
Skinny Dipped?: nope....and I’m sure people are glad of that
Played Spin The Bottle or 7 Minutes In Heaven?: yes...in school
Toilet Papered Someone’s House?: nope :(
Played Poker W/ Money?: yes...and I’ve won
Gone Swimming In A White T-Shirt?: yes...when I was younger
Been Tickled So Bad That You Cried?: nope...I’m not ticklish
Been Tickled So Bad That You Couldn’t Talk?: same as above
Like Someone And Not Tell Them How You Felt?: yes......that’s the most difficult part
Went Camping?: tons of time....I’m sad I didn’t get to do that this year
Used The Restroom On A Tree?: ya....in the woods u gotta use whets around
Had A Crush On Your Brother/Sister's Friend?: some of my sisters friends were pretty cute........
Had A Crush On Your Friend's Brother/Sister?: yes
Walked In The Rain W/out An Umbrella?: who uses an umbrella in the rain.......besides when u need one for the girl
Danced In The Rain?: nope
Told A Joke And Nobody Thought It was Funny?: all the time
Been On Stage?: yes...graduation
Worn Clothes Your Mom Didn’t Approve Of?: nope....I can’t think of anything my mom wouldn’t approve of
Been To A Nude Beach?: nope
Cursed In Church?: no
Been Called A Whore/Slut For Kissing Someone?: nope
Burnt Yourself?: all the time..mainly for doing dumb stuff
Been Dumped?: yes
Dumped Someone?: nope
Been In Love?: YES…I am right now
Been Hit On Someone To Old?: YES!!
Wanted To Be A Model?: nope
Wanted To Be In The Olympics?: nope
Bought Lottery Tickets?: yes.....I bought a bunch outa state for relatives
Made Out In A Car?: em…….the fingerprints on the back window are the only proof…….
Cried During A Movie?: no...I had something in my eye
Wanted Something You Couldn’t Have?: no...anything I want I get
Made Love On The Beach?: I don’t really like the beach
Shoplifted?: NEVER
Seen Someone Shoplift?: nope
Hung Up On Someone?: ya....in fun
Yelled At Your Pet?: yes.....always being a pain
Gotten Seasick?: ya...I drink so much that when I move I get sick....lmao
Tried To Strip When Drunk?: since I’ve never been drunk.............
Bought A Thong Cuz The Cashier Was Hot?: nope...no buying girls cloths for me
Stalked Someone?: nope
Had A Stalker?: not that I know of
Played A Prank On Someone And Scared Them?: doubt it
Been Embarrassed By Someone In Your Family?: yes... “one aunt, uncle, and cuz” have done HORRIBLE things to my family….so they have been kicked out as far as I see it
Felt Bad About Eating Meat?: nope...it was put on this earth for a reason
Protested?: nope
Been To An Island?: not a large one...but a few in the middle of a lake
Ate Cuz You Had Nothing Better To Do?: yes....and that was the majority of the reason why I was overweight
Screamed In A Library?: what’s a library
Made Out W/ A Stranger?: nope
Made Out W/ Someone Who Wasn’t Single?: nope
Wished A Part Of You Was Different?: yes.....I wish I was more outgoing
Talked To A Complete Stranger?: all the time.......ya have to in the retail business
Been Sunburned So Bad You Blistered?: I’ve had my skin peal a few times.....but it doesn’t happen very often since I’m naturally tan
Kicked A Guy In The Nuts?: nope...that’s not kewl
Threw Up In School?: yes
Received A Love Letter That Wasn’t Signed?: nope
Wore Something You Hated?: ya.....did it a lot...but that was all I had to wear
Wore Something To Match Someone?: yes….we do it to match colors at work
Been To A Luau?: nope
Cursed In front Of Your Parents?: yes...got caught once
Been On TV?: yes...I think a few times
Been Outta The Country?: Canada when I was younger
Been Honked At While Walking Down The Sidewalk?: nope
Won A Pool Game?: nope
Went To A Party Where You Were The Only Sober One?: nope...not into parties like that
Went To School/ Work Drunk?: don’t drink..so impossible
Dieted?: tried...but never got very far
Had An Eating Disorder?: nope...I just was very sick
Cheated On Your Other?: I will NEVER cheat
Been Cheated On?: nope...that I know of
Been Paid To Date Someone?: nope...but I prob would..........NOT
Dated Someone That Was Paid or Dared To Date You?: no
Tanned Topless?: guys tan topless...they don’t wear a shirt
Been Strip Searched?: nope
Been On A Plane?: yes
Been On A Cruise?: no
Been Pantsed In Public?: maybe in gym
Thrown Your Shoe At Someone?: yes...a few times
Broke Someone's Heart?: I might have
Sung In The Shower?: not gonna admit that
Bought Something Way To Expensive?: I don’t think so...but people think my car and home audio were too expensive
Done Something Stupid And Laughed At Yourself?: all the time...I’m good at that
Been Walked In On While You Were Dressing?: prob...Don’t remember
Been Walked In On While Showering?: yes…so now I lock the door
Ran Out Of A Movie Theater Cuz You Got Scared?: never
Been Kicked Out Of A Mall/ Store?: not yet.......
Been Kicked Out Of A Go-cart Place Cuz You Wrecked The Go Cart?: no
Been In Detention?: never
Feel Off A Roof?: nope
Pretended You Were Scared So You Could Cuddle W/ Someone?: no....but that is a really good idea...just not for a guy
Been In A Wreck?: nope
Wrecked So You Wouldn’t Hit An Animal?: nope....no offence...but I would hit the animal instead of anything else
Made Yourself Puck So You Wouldn’t Have To Go To School?: nope
Threatened Someone W/ A Water Gun?: hellz no...that’s dumb
Been Shot?: nope...and sure hope not
Had A Water Gun War?: yes...that is fun
Been Arrested?: nope
Regret Something You Did In The Past?: yes...I regret not doing more in hs...and for lying in the 7th grade to a girl...cuz I messed up badly on that one…and for bullying a few people in hs…I know it was wrong…and I was dumb…and I'm sorry
Country You Wanna Visit:: Italy I guess
Way You Wanna Die:: quickly, and in a way I don’t know what happened
Like Thunderstorms?: yes..fun to watch
Get Along W/ Your Parents?: at times.....they can be kinda annoying at times
R U A Health Freak?: helz no...although I’m gonna start working out...but not for health reasons
U Think Ur Attractive?: ask me this question a year ago...and I would have said hellz no....but with the responses I have been having recently.....maybe
Do You Believe In Yourself?: at times...it depends on what I’m doing
Wanna Get Married?: eventually....I don’t wanna be lonely forever
Wanna Go To College?: since I am...then yes
Shower Daily?: at least once
Want Kids?: idk...haven’t put much thought into it....when I get married and when the time is right...who knows
When Do U Wanna Lose Your Virginity?: when I love the person......I mean its gotta be special...it only happens once
Do U Hate Anyone?: not really
Can You Unwrap A Starburst W/ Your Tongue?: no...but I know a few that can
Do You Think You Can Sing?: hellz no
Can You Open Your Eyes Underwater?: yes...although it hurts
Eat Whatever And Not Worry?: don’t think so...I have a higher metabolism...but don’t wanna chance it
Can You Whistle?: yes...but not a cat whistle
Can You Walk In High Heels?: doubt it.....guess I'm gonna have to borrow a pair from Emmy and try
Do You Sleep W/ The Light On?: no...there are all alot of blinking leds though
Do You Like Super Spicy Foods?: no...not a fan of spices
Can You Multitask?: not very well
Touch Your Nose W/ Your Tongue?: yes....but I cheat
Can You Fit In Your Locker?: iit’s like a half locker….so no…not in one piece
Do You Spit?: yes..everyone has saliva
Can You Taste The Difference Between Pepsi And Coke?: yes...huge difference
If You Could Wish 4 Anything...What Would You Wish?: I which I was closer to my family...distance wise...so could spend more time with them
What Kind Of Perfume Or Cologne Do You Wear?: black
What Kind Of Soap Do You Use?: axe body wash
What's Your Favorite Scent?: citrus is awesome...........and certain perfume is hott
Would You Choose To Live Forever If You Could?: no......I don’t think so........it would be torture
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Indepth Survey About You [Perfect For Allowing People To Get To Know You Better]
::Background Info::
Date of Birth: June 20
Place of Birth: Guilderland
Ethnic Background/Ancestry: Italian, Polish, Greek.........
Languages You Speak: I only admit I speak English
Relationship Status: Taken and loving every min of it
School Situation: Full time 4th semester(3+summer)
Job Situation: Full time at the Home Depot
Do you drive?: All the time
Do you smoke cigarettes?: NOPE
Do you drink alcohol on a regular basis?: No
Do you do recreational drugs at least occasionally?: NO...NEVER
Family Situation [Who do you live with?]: Free room and board.....yes I still live with my parents
::Your Appearance [Physical]::
Natural hair color: Brown
Hair Type [Straight, Wavy, Curly, etc]: straight/curly
Long or short?: short
Current Hair Style: Spiked
Eye color: Brown
Eye shape: duhhhh round
Do you have freckles?: nope
Skin tone/complexion: tan
Do you have a tan?: yes...all the time
Height: 5'-9"
Body Type/Build: slender...and starting to be muscular
Shoe Size: 10-11......depends on the style
Any scars?: yes...a few......but kina boring stories
Physical feature that stands out the most: idk......guess my facial hair
::Your Appearance [Fashion]::
Tattoos?: none...yet
Piercings?: none
What subculture do you gravitate towards the most?: prep/punk
How would you describe your style?: business casual
T-shirts and jeans -or- Dresses/Suits?: T-shirts and Jeans
Sneakers -or- Heels/Dress Shoes?: Sneakers…heels on the weekends only..shhhhh
Tight or baggy pants?: Both
What color do you wear most often?: Black/White
What do you wear on an average day around the house?: normally it will be something that I can get dirty...cuz on my days off I work on my car
What do you wear to sleep?: beater and shorts
What is your jewelry style?: none...don’t wear them
How about shoes? Any brands you love/wear a lot?: vans/ dvs
Do you paint your nails?: considering I’m a STRAIGHT guy........NOOOOO
What is your make-up style?: same as above
Do you carry around bags or purses?: same as above
What are your favorite accessories?: cell phone, keys, wallet, and always a pack of gum
Do you wear sunglasses a lot?: yes....I have a slight photophobia (sensivity to light)
What is your favorite way to dress? [Sexy, Cute, Modest, Professional, etc]: "dress to impress...you never know who’s gonna be looking
Does fashion mean a lot to you?: nope......as long as I don’t look like a slob
::Your Beliefs::
Do you have a religion/spirituality?: yes...to a certain degree
Do you believe in a supreme being?: yes
Life after death?: heaven
Heaven and Hell?: heaven......hell is where I work........JK
Angels and Demons?: not really
Aliens?: no...I believe there might be bacteria or something like that in space
Reincarnation?: No
Horoscopes?: NOPE
Fortune Telling?: Nope
If you have a faith/religion, is it the most important thing in your life?: nope
What are your views ..abortion?: at certain times its acceptable...if ur just having unprotected sex and just saying who cares cuz abortion is a way out.....that’s FUCKED up
Gay marriage?: no
Politics?: idk..........
Political Correctness?: NO......say what u feel...and what u think things should be called
Are you more Liberal or Conservative?: both
How do you feel about sex outside of marriage?: it’s ok as long as the people truly care about each other and really are in love
::Dating and Relationships::
Would you date a person with a different religion than you?: sure y not....as long as they don’t force their views on another
How about polar opposite political beliefs?: y not........same as above
What are qualities you look for in a bf/gf?: smart, outgoing, fun, cute, and over all someone who likes me for my personality
What kind of personality issues do you dislike?: airheads
Looks or personality?: personality
Are you shallow?: I don’t think so......I sure hope not
Do you fall in love easily?: ……..
How do you know you like someone?: when things click...I’m able to talk to them without being nervous.......and when I can’t stop thinking about them
What do you usually do when you like someone, or think you like someone?: I usually try and see them whenever I can...so ill go outa the way to talk/see them
Do you like to take things fast or slow?: I move at the speed at which things happen
Casual dating -or- Serious committed relationship?: serious dating
What is your philosophy on dating/love/relationships?: things happen when they happen.......and u shouldn’t hide your feelings
Is there a difference between liking someone and having a crush on someone?: em....idk...maybe..........liking is friendship.....and crush means ur attracted to them...........I guess
Do you like the other person to make the move first?: yes.....I’m kinda slow with reading signs...and if the other makes a move...I can normally get the picture then
What would ruin a relationship?: someone who is clingy...and who constantly needs to know what I’m up to
Would your ideal guy/girl call you? Or would you call them?: like a pet name...........idk....they just happen
Would you expect them to make all the moves?: nope.....I have a feeling they may make the first one, but I would make some too
Would you expect them to be with you 24/7?: nope....distance makes the heart grow fonder
Are you a jealous person?: nope...not at all
Obsessive?: there is no way I'm sharing my Emmy
Overly emotional?: no...doubt it
Do you think you would be a good gf/bf?: I hope so.......but the only way to know is to ask my gf
::Your Future::
What do you want to do with your life?: graduate college....find a job that has to do with construction.....and possibly own my own construction business
Is getting married important to you?: no.....I don’t have to be married...but I want to have a lover
Want kids?: idk.......haven’t put much time into it.......when the time is right.....I may have them happen
How many?: idk
Do you wanna be rich?: being rich isn’t important.......living happily is
If you had to choose between a huge career and a family, would you?: family
What is your idea of success?: being happy with ur life and its situation
What is your main goal in life?: maybe owning my own business
::A Little Bit of Random Stuff::
Favorite music?: metal...rock
Favorite bands/artists?: korn, dope, devil driver, lamb of god
Any plans for today?: work, homework, shit, shit and more shit to do
What do you like to do with your free time?:Spend as much time as possible with my lover, EMMILY, work on projects...from cars...to home improvement...to something crazy I have designed
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Music, Computers, Home Theators, CADD, Car and Home Audio, Cars(My Jimmy was not fast, but it would shake the sh*t out of yours)but my malibu is faster..and sounds great (except for all the rattles)NEW Malibu Jimmy Site

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Ultimate Opposite Sex Survey

Eye Color:: color doesn’t matter
Hair Color:: brunettes have more fun
Body Type:: slender
Skin Color:: tan
Height:: Weight:: idk.....a number isn’t important
Punk/Prep: punk
Harry/Hair less: shorter hair is hott
Older/Younger: idk....I thought younger...but idk
Looks/Personality: PERSONALITY
Long Hair/Short Hair: either
City/Country: idk
Funny/Serious: FUNNY....just like me...someone who gets my jokes
Accent/None: none
Clothing Style: the less the better.....JK..JP...JT
Scent: as long as it’s not B.O....it doesn’t matter
Music Genre: they have to be able to put up with my music.....metal....and they can listen to anything else they want.....but country
Car: it doesn’t matter if they have one
Job: should have something...doesn’t matter what though
Biggest Turn On: joking........teasing........basically flirting
Biggest Turn Off: clingy and quiet............cuz I think I do that enough
Artistic: art is in the eye of the beholder
Athletic: doesn’t hurt
Piercings: doesn’t matter
Tattoos: same as above
Nerdy: they have to have a little brain up there
Romantic: YES.....someone who likes to be romanced is a must
Single or Group Dates: as a first....group...after...either
Bad or Goody: ..........they should be the opposite of me.........................
Do you have any friends of the Opposite Sex: yes....I have more girl 'friends' than guys
Are you in a Relationship: yes..taken and loving it
Who was the Last person you dated: Emmy
what is the best quality: someone who is outgoing.....always have fun....no matter the place or place
Have you ever been cheated on: nope...and hope it stays that way
Have you ever cheated on someone: never have...and NEVER WILL
When was your First serious relationship: the one I'm in right now
who with: My GF…the Love of my life..EMMY
Have you ever had Friends with Benefits: no :( ...............lol
What makes the opposite sex attractive: the stuff I don’t have..................
Do you have a crush: don’t need to crush…I’ve got a GREAT girl now
Do you dream about your crush: nope…I'm too busy dreaming about my lover
Is there someone you want to kiss: a kiss from Emmy would be great right now….then again its always great to kiss Emily
Have you ever kept a crush super secret: don’t think so...it’s hard to keep quiet...and if people know....they can help me
Have you ever done something you regret: yes..and that was not doing more in hs
Have you ever hurt someone: maybe
Has someone ever hurt you: sorta.......but not from a relationship standpoint
Do you care about money: a little........I like it.......but I don’t think about it 24/7.......although it may seem different from the way I live
Were you ever with someone completely opposite of you: no, you can’t you have to have some of the same interests
Do you miss someone: My love
What’s the first thing you notice about the opposite sex: the face
When did you have your first kiss: unfortunally...........I was a late one 18
Have you ever had a crush on someone that was in a relationship: yes
Have you ever kissed a stranger: nope
What would be your perfect date: a fun and exciting night of something I’ve never done before where I can forget about everything
Do you prefer holding hands or making out: depends on the time
What’s the best physical attribute: gotta say the ass
Lost someone: nope
How do you feel about Long distance relationships: if it’s meant to be.....it will work out
Do you want them to be smart: there MUST be something other than air up there
Last one of the opposite sex you talked to: my GF
How many people have you dated since January:2
Do you care if they share your religion: nope...doesn’t matter as long as they don’t force their views on me
Have you ever said I love you and meant it: yes
Do you believe in love at first sight: it can happen
Do you think internet relationships can really work: no....I really doubt they will work...it takes great dedication to make one work
When was the last time you slow danced: a friends prom
How many serious relationships have you had: the one I'm in now
Does anyone have a crush on you: hope not considering I'm taken
Do you want to get married: eventually.......being single for my whole life would SUCK
Have you ever stalked someone: NEVER
Has someone ever stalked you: not that I know of
Have you ever done the love calculator: what’s that???
Would you ever kiss someone in front of your parents: I can say yes now…I don’t care what my parents think…I love my girlfriend and that is one way to show my affection
Have you ever skinny dipped with the opposite sex: nope...........and I’m sure everyone is glad for that
Have you ever slept in the same bed as the opposite sex: no…not yet
Have you ever been naked with the opposite sex: cough cough
Have you ever had sex: nope
Do you bite when you kiss: yes
Do you like being grabbed when you kiss: the harder the better
Would you date someone from another state: nothing wrong with that
Would you be with someone with glasses: sure y not....I had glasses for the longest time....and just got contacts.....actually some people with glasses are HOTTTT
Have you kissed someone in a restaurant: don’t think so….and I wonder y not
Do you care if they drink: doesn’t matter...as long as it’s not too much
Smoke: idk...I prefer not
Have you ever been called a tease: not that I can remember
Have you ever cried over someone who you were just "talking" with: no
Have you ever liked someone from a different country: nope
Would you play with their hair: yes
Would you do anything for the person you like: yes….I would do anything for my girlfriend…because I love her and I'm only happy when she is.
Have you ever been called hot: yes...a few times....I don’t know if I see it yet......but I’m not complaining
Do you miss a past relationship: no….my current relationship is the best…and I wouldn’t trade it for the world…but maybe a lot of money…JK JK JP
What’s really important to have in a relationship: trust
Do you like getting massages: eh…giving is better
Would you date someone that doubled popped their collars: how do u double pop a collar??
Do you like to cuddle: yes......that the only think I care about......love it.......love the feeling..........wish it happened more often

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Korn, Slayer, Black Sabbath, Judas Priest, Black Label Society, Slipknot, Lamb of God, Hatebreed, Atreyu, God Forbid, Devildriver, Darkest Hour, Lamb of God, System of a down, Meshuggah, Fear Factory, Godsmack,In Flames, Rob Zombie, Children of Bodom Green Day, AC-DC, Pantera, Shadows Fall, Rage Against the Machine, Beastie Boys


The Punisher, Blue Colllar Comedy Tour, Paycheck, Big Daddy, Collateral, Blankman, The Sum of All Fears, Monty Python and the Holy Grail


HeadBangers Ball, The Simpsons, Family Guy, CSI, Mythbusters, prison break, anything on the history channel


what are books??

The Road Not Taken- Robert Frost

"Two roads diverged in a wood, and I--"
I created my own path and left a trail of rubber behind


my cuz....

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Duece Kitty 2

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"uh hi yes i work here but yea i dont know what sink is better. well in my view a sink well is a sink so yea"-Ryan

"pipes pipes what are those?????? 5 inch 6 inch both the same just a diff of an inch"- Ryan

"u can take one for the team.....but u cant take one from the team...cuz thats insest"-Lisa

"u two should go out to garden to do that..."-Bill Mapp

"...like a bananna"-Bill Mapp

"look here, annother kitchen and bath party"-Tristan

"can i join in the card game...oh snap, who said that"-Joe Rubinic

My Blog

fathers car accident

this is a rough draft...but since so many people are asking i quickly(verry quickly) wrote what happened..it may be all over the place...but ill rewrite in wihtin the next few days so as my pictu...
Posted by D4K on Wed, 04 Apr 2007 06:34:00 PST

pain in the !@#$%^&*()

so as i mentined in the last blog there was a bad part about my latest ny trip...and that was the drive back to pa..........i was heading back from my grandparents...i was in a rush back bc my parents...
Posted by D4K on Sun, 11 Mar 2007 03:59:00 PST

annother trip to ny

since i was on spring break this week, i found it to be the PERFECT time to visit the family in NY....what a great time....i was able to relax the whole time and i didnt have to worry about which job ...
Posted by D4K on Sun, 11 Mar 2007 03:38:00 PST

HOCKEY(updated 1/15*last update*)

This is a blog of my current roller hockey season, and will explain alittle about each game........ *****well this week i turned in my jersey, and it wasnt even the last game. there were only two game...
Posted by D4K on Mon, 13 Nov 2006 09:07:00 PST


Docs roller rink is having their in house hockey league, and is looking for players. the season starts 11/5, and runs every sunday night 9-10:30ish. anyone interested, or looking for more info e-mail ...
Posted by D4K on Sun, 22 Oct 2006 03:47:00 PST