im not the sun but im hot profile picture

im not the sun but im hot


About Me

hmm about me 20 from grand rapids, michigan. 5'5" carmel skin, fun, artistic, and crazy. graduated from the notorious ottawa hills high, in might have been a questionable school when it came to academics but i learned alot from that school, and i wouldn't change it for anything.since i've been out of school i had to take alittle break from school and i've been doing the art thing. i love to design things like air force 1's, that's gonna be one my things to do over the summer. i'll be going to c.c. soon for interior design, that will be just one of my majors but i won't get into the rest.i'm a chilled out person who loves to just kick it,some call me boring, but deep down they really don't know me. i'm not a partier. i don't drink and i use to smoke but not made me feel out of place and like everyone was laughing at me, so i had to stop that. but i'm glad i'd found something i love. i call it my hobby just in case i don't make it.i say that because i don't want to be someone who pumps there head up and everyone elses up with a dream that might not even come into reality. so that's why i call it my hobby. i love to sing, though.i go to the studio all the time.the gut like my voice soo much he signed me quick and because i can write my own shit. i'm with a little label called brigtside records and were doing our thang man. will be promoting all in the west michigan area so you might see me around.wanna talk cool wit me. i'm a people person, and a friend would be nice. but don't hit me up if your cocky, ignorant and ugly naw i'm playing beauty is skin deep.when i get my airbrush machine i'll show some of my art work off of it, but for now i just hand paint forces so i'll put those pictures up . so if you want to stand out from the crowd holla.because every body rocs forces, but it hard to find someone with there own personalized kickz. well i said enough for you to imagine what type of person i am. o yeah my name is crystol or you can call me pumkin. peace enjoy the music !!!

My Interests


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brandy, destiny's child, mint condition, aaliyah, dru hill, ginuwine, jonny gill, escape, debroah cox,tweet, micheal jackson, biggie, the game, ludacris, and soo many more
What r u gonna be rollin in in 10 years?

U r ridin in high style and power in this fully pimped RX7
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half baked, friday, independence day, the blob, all nightmare on elm street, predator, up in smoke, jacki chan who am i, the jackson 5, pretty woman, interview with the vampire, troy,the old night of the living dead,land before time, lion king, menace to socity, don't be a menace while drinking yo juice in south central.corn bread and me, once bitten , the old nutty professor and soo much more


that's so raven, moesha, fresh prince, fred standford, madtv, spongebob squarepants, afraid of the dark, twilight zone, in living color , wil and grace, my wife and kids, martin, and many more


R u Hot, Sexy, Ugly, Pretty, Geeky? Come here to FIND OUT

You Are HOTT!!!
You are HOTT!!! thats all i can say...
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my parents, my savior I get my Free MySpace Layouts at

My Blog

t-pain say it

Say It LyricsArtist(Band):T-Pain ..TR vAlign=top> Review The Song (0) Print the Lyrics..TABLE>  Complimentary "Say It" Ringtone Pull up to my crib in ya black Range RovaI got some plans th...
Posted by im not the sun but im hot on Mon, 09 Jun 2008 10:23:00 PST

t-pain yo stomach lyrics

..TR style="FONT-SIZE: 10px"> Featuring: Tay Dizm[ intro ] Some people like thighs (yea yea) Some people like backs (yea) (six pack) Some people like booty (yea) and...
Posted by im not the sun but im hot on Mon, 09 Jun 2008 10:22:00 PST

tweet heaven lyrics

rain is gone i feel the windbrightest stars shinin ina new life for love has come throughwish i had the words to describeridged feelings im so alivelet me tell you what i gained since leaving ufeels j...
Posted by im not the sun but im hot on Fri, 30 May 2008 07:45:00 PST

Trina Ft Plies And Chris j- I Got A Problem With Lyrics this that shit listen and enjoy...
Posted by im not the sun but im hot on Thu, 10 Apr 2008 10:07:00 PST