Alkinze profile picture


I am here for Friends

About Me

Hmmm . . . what can I say about myself? Writing about oneself is often considered to be narcissistic. Good think I'm not!I am (nearly) 24 years old, have supreme difficulty updating my "personal" webpages, am married, and have two "children," a cat (Bosco) and a dog (Bandit). Thats it, really.I've got a mac. I use my mac. The PC is just for playing The Sims 2. That what we built it for. The mac does everything else. Everything. I could play the Sims 2 on my mac, but I already have the PC version, so why buy new ones? I love the mac (but you couldn't tell that, could you?) and I blame a friend of mine, who got me a job at a mac store. Now, I'm hooked. Curious about macs? Visit and read. Wish I could tell customers to do that!I am married: my husband is wonderful. He is actually more amazing than the mac: in fact, he is the one who taught me about computers and managed to make it stick! So, actually, I guess its his fault that I saw how superior macs are to other computers. I blame YOU, Mr. Hensel! He tolerates my mac obsession and I tolerate his linux obsession. Since they are both unix (or unix clones!), our computer tastes are quite similar, despite the "My gizmo is better than yours" complex that seems to have developed.More about what truly runs my life: the pets. If you don't understand that, buy an animal, either a cat or dog. Actually, farm animals would work quite well too. After your purchase, attempt to sleep in, to, oh, lets say 7. AM. It isn't possible. I am always up by 6. I usually go back to sleep, but someone takes the dog out. Danny does that for me sometimes (See? Isnt' he wonderful?!) but, since its my dog, I've got to do it. The cat is just as bad. He wakes me up whenever he's out of food- usually around 3 or 4 AM. Why do cats do that? Grrrr. I really enjoy them though- since they rout me out of bed, I have more time in the morning to watch TV. Well, videos. And surf the internet. I am a nerd, after all!

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My Interests

I'd like to meet:

I'm not really looking for anyone in particular, now. If you found me (and you know who I am, or knew me in elementary/high school/college/work, drop me a line (I prefer straight ones! Oh no! Awful joke!) and let me know that someone actually reads this!

My Blog

A New Look for A New Year, and A Crittur!

I decided that it was time I updated my page. Its been quite a while since the last time I did it! (Over a year, I believe, for my "About Me" section!) Please don't give me any grief about my azale...
Posted by on Sun, 10 Feb 2008 00:34:00 GMT

A Christmas Thought

I started thinking, which seems to be my 2:30 daily routine lately, and it led me to a poem. I had to write it down. Many of you have heard me when I say that I don't feel like it's Christmas this y...
Posted by on Fri, 08 Dec 2006 01:08:00 GMT