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Anybody whos open minded and loves to have fun.Jagged Edge - Put A Lil Umph In It
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About You
Your hair color: Today its brown with alburn tips
Your eye color: Dark Brown
Favorite sex position: Doggy
Oral sex or sex: Both
Favorite color: Pink
Favorite number: 22
Serious relationships you have been in: 1 (insert teardrops here)
Baths or showers: Showers
Kinky or romantic: A lil bit of both
Love or money: Love is priceless...
Your best feature: My eyes (so I've been told)
Your favorite movie: Pulp Fiction
In a relationship: Nah...
Any peircings/tattoos: 4 piercings... 2 tatts
Have you ever fallen in love: Yup... (it hurts)
Have you ever been beaten up Hell nah
Have you ever smoked weed: Yup... (*shruggs*)
Have you been drunk: Umm... nah... not really (yes :0( )
Have you ever hooked up with 2 people in one weekend: lol... yeah... dat was really bad
Favorite artist: Kan Da Louis Vuitton Don
Favorite food: Tacos
Favorite beverage: Anything strawberry
Favorite item of clothing: Don't really have one
Favorite sport: Don't have 1
In a guy/girl
Hair color: Its whateva (I'm startin to dig the bald look tho)
Eye color: Whateva looks good on them
Height: I'm 5'6" so taller den me (I love tall men... makes me feel small)
Style: Educated Thug with a swagga unparalleled to anyone elses
Body/figure: I likez dem football playaz... Luv da meat... lol
Younger/older: Older
More Randoms
Do you thnk you're attractive: No doubt... I think I'm fly
Do you hate anyone: Nah
Do you believe in yourself: Of course... if I don't, who will?
Do you want to have kids Yup... I want 3 boys and a girl... I got da names picked out and everthing... (I know its gay... lol)
Do you want to get married: Ya kno what... I really don't kno anymore... perhaps sumday when I find sumone worth my time and space
Do you get along with your parents: Yah... I love my mommy and daddy...
How do you want to die: Peacefully... preferrably in my sleep
Do you kiss on the first date: Depends on the vibe
Your most overused phrase: Is that how you feel in 2007?/Dats whats up./Wowwwww!
If you could have plastic surgery, what would you change: Nathan...
Have you ever cheated on your bf/gf? Yup
Have you ever ran from the police: Nah
Hace you ever walked out of a restaurant w/out paying: nope
Weakness: A man who smells good and a man with a beautiful smile
Your fears: Death, Heightz, the world in general
Most missed memory: childhood... (i ain't have to pay no bills then)
Best friends: Genette
Funniest: Me
Prettiest/most handsome: N/A
Most shy: Nette
Most understanding: Me
Who you talk to everyday: Nette
Most athletic: neither one of us
Loudest/craziest: Me... lol
Who do you tell everything to: Nette
Who do you look up to the most: God, myself and my mother and father
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I ReaLLy Don'T WaTcH TV MucH BuT I likE Cold CaSe FiLEs, NiP/TuCk, ResCue ME, SponGeBob SqUaRePanTs, anD VirTuraLLy All ThE sHowS on AdULt Swim/CartOOn Network'S AfTer HouRs Line-Up.
I KnoW iTs SaD BuT I ReALLy DoN't ReaD MucH UnLesS iTs PoetRy or A CaTcHy ComIc STrIp... It's JusT NoT SumThIn ThAt InterEsts Me... :0(
My PaReNts. ThRouGh ThE StRugGLe, ThEy SuMhOw MaNaGe tO SuRviVe and KeEP SUrViVinG. ThOsE WhO R DeAr/ClOsE 2 Me, KnOw ExAcTLy WhAt I mEaN. I DouBt Ya'LL EVa ReAd DiS buT tHanK Ya'LL 4 RaIsInG mE 2 Be ThE PeRsOn ThAt I am ToDay.