I was born in Winnipeg, MA and lived there until I was about four. I moved to Montreal,QU and lived there until I was about ten or eleven. My parents got divorced and my Mom got offerd a post Doc position in Providence,RI. I did not like my first year living in Providence being that I went to a Middle School were white kids were the minority and the favorite game was chasse the white boy. Needless to say playing this game is not so fun when your the white boy. I made friends and learned how to Roller Blade really fast so everything worked out. Four years later my Mom got offerd another job in Indinapolis,IN. I have been living in Naptown eversince. I ran into a little bit of trouble after High School did my time and straightend out my life. I got a job waiting tables at Ruby Tuesday were I meet my girlfriend. Two years later I became a father. She is the little girl on my chest in picture. That's all folks.
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