I edited my profile with Thomas' Myspace Editor V4.4I live in the Oakland hills, where I care for an elderly woman. Mondays through Fridays, my son lives with me as well. On the weekends...I'm off, and I can get into any number of debaucherous situations.I've been living a brand new life for the last eight years. See, I used to be married ( a man, my son's father) to my high school sweetheart. We were dysfunctional, but used to it, and really didn't know any better, so we figured our lives would be like that forever, and that it would be ok. Then one day, well more like one month, when Saturn returned, and I was 27, I had a complete mental breakdown... and that's when my life really began. It's been one new experience after another ever since, and I love life ( as much as any person with chronic depression can). A year after my breakthrough, I was getting divorced, and I was living with my first girlfriend. Eight turbulent years later...even though recent events convince me that I still have tons to learn... I finally feel like a real adult. Although many of the lessons have been painful, it all makes up part of who I am today. I sometimes wonder how my life would have been different if I'd just realized that I was queer from the get go, but everything ultimately works out the way it's supposed to.
My Interests
I'd like to meet:
New friends. Hot fat chicks. (Friends don't have to be hot fat chicks, but it's always nice if they are). Other dyke moms. Also,anyone who's interested in the date 12/21/12.
My Blog
For Sunny
It's June 20, 2007...you would have been 30 years old today. You'll remain forever young and beautiful in all our hearts and minds. Posted by on Sat, 04 Nov 2006 14:50:00 GMT