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I am here for Friends and Networking

About Me

Sup bitchesssssssssss!!!! I'm Drew You can message me on AIM = yaya im drew .Unprotected sex is one thing I really enjoy and like to do a lot and with as many girls as possible, I don't really care, you got what I got n I got what you got :) I do some of the stupidest shit ever like wrapping saran wrap around my head so i can breath under water. Skitching on the back of a car going 30 down a hill and jumping off the long board causing mutilation to my body or using a surfboard leash tied to a bike and strapping it onto my leg and being pulled by a bike only to be dragged down asphalt. When I was younger I used to breath in car exhaust thinking it would turn me into Smoke from Mortal Kombat.. I also take steroids and peel the flesh off young children and sautee it in black tar heroin. A lot of times I'm a complete ass or asshole but usually it's all in good fun. I talk a lot of shit about people and myself. I like to get drunk and usually don't know when to stop. But all that sweetsauce rolled up together makes me the fucking man!!! P.S. I hate guidos you're all stupid looking but guidettes and clubettes are hot looking usually and so they can hit me up so I can tap that ass. P.P.S. I don't believe marriage works in today's society and I don't think that kids are for me.

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

ronnie coleman

My Blog

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