Investing in a Better Nashville: Devising a progressive strategy that will further the positioning of the Nashville Community as one of the Leading U.S. cities. Developing policy, people, and positive cultural supports that focus on the following to sustain the cities future growth: Preventive Healthcare, Public Safety & Crime Prevention, and Economic & Urban Development. Delivering tangible results that capture the diverse and progressive needs of the Nashville constituent.
Jesus Christ and My Brother, Lonnell Jah-Firi Matthews, in Heaven! To all my other loved ones that are no longer with us, Rest in Peace, my life is dedicated to you all. I'll see you again, one day; and don't worry about Kailey, I got her bruh!
All types: Hip-Hop/Rap, Classical, Jazz, R&B, Rock, Blues, Reagae, Gospel/ Favorite Artist: Jay-Z, Beattles, Marvin Gaye, Bob Marley, Patti LaBelle
Passion of the Christ, The Godfather Trilogy, Gladiator, Purple Rain, Casablanca, Napoleon Dynomite, The Die Hard Trilogy, Lucky Number Sleven
Sopranos, Entourage, Rome, 24, CSI: Miami, The Office
The Holy Bible, 48 Laws of Power, Rich Dad Poor Dad, Gifted Hands, Super Fudge
Barack Obama, Martin Luther King, Jr., John F. Kennedy, Bill Clinton, Colin Powell, and Harold Ford, Jr.