Evan profile picture


Frankincense and Black Currant Mythology

About Me

I have TOES.

can we frequent the rain showers ineptitude high frequency road signs not replenished by nightfall though... isn't nocturne a blend for the symposium's crowds, not mine, as i really dig your shoes on crow the hand falls to

I eat meat and paint or draw pictures, try teaching myself Irish Gaelic... Occassionally rousing myself for kenpo practice and printmaking, camping, reading, dancing (in the most heathenistic way) or a night out with friends.. I like my home, I like cheese and chocolate [milk], venison and rabbit and late night diner runs; I need forests and autumns, evenings and storms. And love & the occassional nocturnal wander... Machnaighbéag, machnaighmhór.

A trip volatile alike to the nerve-charges. Also, an Lj.

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My Interests

. chai . art . books . philosophy . sex . science . nature . mysticism . myth . diners . cooking . wolves . rain . mountains . forests . drawing . painting . movies . fantasy . sf . archery . martial arts . languages, especially Gaelic .

I'd like to meet:

Flying trees.


RockMetalClassicalRhymeBluegrassAfroFiddlingCelticInsanity. Pretty much anything with skill, from Beethoven to Orff, Sublime to Alice in Chains, Carbon Leaf to Sound Tribe Sector 9. Definitely rock The March Ides.


A LOT. I watch movies just about as much as I read. "Fight Club" and "The Fountain" come to the forefront, though. And "Big Fish". "Finding Neverland" was a treat. "Pan's Labyrinth" and "Proteus". THAT is a fantastic film.


Meh? Family guy, most of Adult Swim, simpsons, samurai jack, invader zim, transformers, batman, x-men, the maxx, the head... are we seeing a trend? I miss "Gargoyles".


"Jitterbug Perfume", John Crowley, Kerouac, Keesey, Neal Stephenson, Tad Williams, Rumi, JL Borges, Gene Wolfe, Margaret Weis, Lewis Carroll, CS Lewis, Chuck Palahniuk, Joseph Campbell, Kahlil Gibran, Rudyard Kipling, S King, Clive Barker, G.R.R. Martin, "Redemption of Althalus", Neil Gaiman, Philip Pullman, Charles De Lint's "Newford" tales rock my world... and those Potter books.


Grandma Jensen, Thomas the Rhymer, Vercingetorix, Siddhartha Guatama, Brer Rabbit, John Henry, Johnny Appleseed, Captain Planet

My Blog

Europeans hate me

or no, they probably don't.  but i'm off to inflict myself on the continent for a few weeks tomorrow.  be back on the 22nd, stateside.  wish me not death.i get to see lisa, which is the...
Posted by Evan on Fri, 04 May 2007 09:46:00 PST


So the erstwhile lovelies have taken my hat.  The fae steal your little earlashes when you don't look at the sky and cry.  It all comes back to the having a wonderful time and a cup of deli....
Posted by Evan on Tue, 13 Mar 2007 02:43:00 PST

The Annual Convention Nerdness

Dragon Con Time Again.  I'll be in Atlanta, GA Labor Day weekend.  That'd be Wed, Aug. 30th - Tuesday, Sep. 5th.  Come see me if you're in town!  I'll be enjoying myself and being ...
Posted by Evan on Fri, 18 Aug 2006 10:18:00 PST

New Thematics

So, I know I'm ambivalent with a dash of happy about this new design (thanks to Mike Davidson's fine work with CSS myspace overriding and his breakdown of how myspace's CSS actually WORKS.)It took som...
Posted by Evan on Sat, 13 May 2006 04:02:00 PST


Trumpets flare quonunc in flavorful capillaries of time, sequestered as they are on highways truism doesn't travel. Too flaky.  But thence they arrived, and all was rejoicing among the great and ...
Posted by Evan on Sat, 25 Mar 2006 06:10:00 PST


I totally want a Tron uniform.
Posted by Evan on Tue, 07 Feb 2006 12:48:00 PST

...of doom?

If you're down with the Lamp of Doom, give me a ROCK ON, people!...
Posted by Evan on Sat, 10 Dec 2005 05:54:00 PST

Movies and books

Somehow, is any one else really worried that the Hitchhiker's Guide movie is going to mangle the books?
Posted by Evan on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST


Okie, am back! Am hyper! Haven't slept! Am bouncing! *bounce!* Like elephants! On trampolines! And giant bubblegum daddy long legs with top hats! Wheeeeeeeeeeeeeee. And aside from that, my typo...
Posted by Evan on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

yeah, so.

What brought me back... indeed, what reminded me I even HAD a myspace account now seems to be void. So I'm probably not going to pay much attention to this anymore. If you're someone I had converse w...
Posted by Evan on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST