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Raw Footage


About Me

Pimp MyspaceGrowin up on tha southwest side of Hollywood FL known as Carver Ranches LostArea(LA). Glenn "Raw Footage" Mitchell (BooBie) always known he had something to offer the world, with brothers Maintain and Tron, and partners like Drunk, Yako, Pleasure, Ray, Deshon(hollywoodmac), and the rest of LostArea(LA, CRP) all contribute to making all our lives successful. Raw Footage have traveled all up tha eastern seaboard to network with people from from his hometown to Columbia SC, 7 cities VA, Memphis TN and upstate NY where he is currently posted at in Syracuse. Not allowing anyone or anything to get in his way from being successfull, he turned from participating in illegal activities to making his own way of life," It’s all about making yourself happy and not allowing yourself to get sucked in by greed and envy, but finding a way so when u hit 50 you can sit back, retire, and not have to worry about a bill or food and working hard breaking your back." He is determined to knock down any barriers that get in his way or pose a threat on his way to the top. Raw Footage is a name to look out for as he pose a triple threat to the music industry as he produce songs, is lyrically versatile and also he can make his own music videos. "Aww man words that I live by is when I heard a message from my lil brother before he went to jail. He said," YALL BOYS JUST HOLD IT DOWN AND MAKE SOMETHING HAPPEN MAKE IT HAPPEN WHILE U DOING THE RIGHT THING."

My Interests


Member Since: 6/7/2006
Band Members: RAW FOOTAGE and his SuperFriends
Influences: God, my father and mother, my brothers MAINTAIN, TRON, RICHARD, all my roll dawgs Drunk, Pleasure, ManiYAK, HollywoodMac, Ray, Dwayne, Trust, Bad Newz, Terror, Ouincy(big Q), Rashad Bruton, all my cousins from tha DENMARKS to the MITCHELL family, OZ, and any person who ever made music to express there individuality
Sounds Like: One of a kind
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Record Label: Swagga Ent/ GoonCity Ent / WEEDOO Ent
Type of Label: Indie