Now playing: BKooCity Life baby. Passion to work hard and play harder. Desire to live life and travel the world. Seek and discover. To chill and reflect. To drink and feel like shit, hungover watchin' football. A part of The Empyreans. Eating the most fucked up and bizarre foods. Never regret. Taking life as a privilege, and acknowledging your environment on a daily basis. Pro-Gamer, Pro-Gamer, Pro-gamer. Finding the unimaginable. Reviewing large accounts and shitting on insurance brokers as an Underwriter. Sleeping in my car at lunch. Making music. Appreciating sounds.. Instruments.. Voices .. Talent.. Imagination.. Innovation.. Cultures.. Genres.. All walks of life. Living life consciously, not in a rush, not grinding through the stages, just followin wherever the hell the road takes us.. Getting to know someone is probably the most interesting experience of life. That goes for anybody.
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