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Five movies that'll knock your block off:
_America: From Freedom to Fascism_
_Loose Change_
_Zeit Geist_
_The Drugging of our Children_
_Who Killed the Electric Car?_
:::thedearhunter:maritime:thejazzjune:armor4sleep:spitalfiel d:augustburnsred yeahyeahyeahs:thesounds:thebronx:vaux: :thekillers: deathcab4cutie:slayer:soundtrak: bringmethehorizon: nomotiv:theappleseedcast: allamericanrejects:astallaslions: brandnew:everytimeIdie:foofighters:dylan:animals:zombies :newpornographers:numberonefan: planesmistaken4stars:explosionsinthesky:rocketship: stars:self: takingbacksunday:the bravery: the smiths: sunny day real estate:the anniversary:arcade fire: theataris:dead poetic: mae: moving units:::
domino: man of fire: poolhall junkies: payback: snatch: lock, stock, and two smoking barrels: pirates of the caribbean: fight club: true romance: tarentino: sin city: ocean's eleven: slackers: robotfood: the notebook: desperado: the believer: evangelion: christophernolan-momento:following: darrenaronofsky-pi:requiemforadream: the color of money: boiler room: swordfish:from dusk to dawn:
:::On The Road: In Search of Captain Zero: The Alchemist:The Zombie Survival Guide:Chuck Pahluhniak:Choke:Survivor:Lullaby:George Orwell:1984:Pat Conroy:The Lords Of Discipline:The Great Santini: The Alchemist: Dune: The Culture Of Fear: Lord of the Flies:
jack bauer:: tupac::