Football, Football, and just Football!!! Nah, i like hanging out, kickin it wit da BoyZ...AInt really much to do down here in provo but we make it worth our while...
REGGAE (Bob MArLey, PaM HaLL, DonnA MaRie, LuCky DubE, PETer ToSh, BEreS HamMonD, JuNe LoDge etc..) IsLanD JaMz, SaMoAn, TonGan, CouNtRy, R&B (AaLiyah) Rap (2Pac) LiL NePhEw..WaNNa bE "EAZY-E"
CanT AfFord OnE
Dont KNow wHat These aRe? But Of The OneS I do...The BiBLe and The Book OF mOrMon