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A rock'n'roll heartbeat and roots soaked in blues: this is the ID of Trinity, a band from Bari, South-East Italy, formed in 1997. The group consists of three members: Gianni D'Erasmo, vocals and bass; Bob Cillo, guitar; Max Marzocca, drums. Their musical research is intimately linked to urban blues as played by Muddy Waters, John Lee Hooker, Willie Dixon, Freddie King and Robert Johnson and to British blues from the John Mayall's school. But that's only a start, because they reject clichés and take an independent and personal path. In their musical character take place as well several influences such as rockabilly, 60's garage-punk, 70's Detroit sound etc.As the name suggests, their music recall the power trio tradition: no frills sound with a steady rhythmic section and a vigorous guitar. But Trinity are not and wouldn't like to be a revival band, and in fact they boast in their repertoire many original tracks. Even the covers, far from being aseptic and narrow arrangements, show a spontaneous search for warm and personal interpretations. The band's sound is more prone to a warm expression and less to the cleanliness of technical refinement that's why Trinity love to use vintage original instruments from the fifties and the sixties.The typical set list alternates classic blues songs, re-arrangements of obscure tracks, original songs, with an occasional foray into rock'n'roll from the 50's; the result is an original, consistent and involving amalgamation.
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Member Since: 07/06/2006
Band Website:
Band Members: Gianni D'Erasmo: Vocals, Bass - Bob Cillo: Guitar - Max Marzocca: Drums
Influences: Muddy Waters, John Lee Hooker, Willie Dixon, Freddie King, Robert Johnson, John Mayall, Rory Gallagher, Blue Cheer, Groundhogs, Johnny Winter, Creedence Clearwater Revival, Ten Years After, Jimi Hendrix

Sounds Like: Very Hard Blues!
Record Label: none

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