About me:
Don Bapst is an American writer who recently relocated to Canada. He is the author of three novels, several plays, and numerous articles, stories, poems, and features, including two in
Horror 101 .
Don's play The Horror opens soon in selected cites, and his short psychological horror thriller "A Haunted House" was featured at this year's Short Film Corner at Cannes . "Judgment," another of his short films, can be seen in a über-low resolution version below. (It starts off quiet and dark, so give it a second.)
His novel
[email protected], a controversial retelling of Laclos'
Dangerous Liaisons set in the American fashion industry with an all gay male cast, is available on Lulu , Amazon , and Barnes & Noble , and can be ordered from bookstores around the world. Read a review in French from Montreal's Fugues. His psychological thriller about the secular origins of the tarot,
The Hanged Man, is represented by TriadaUS Literary Agency.
Check out Don Bapst's site at donbapst.com for more information.
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