<3 fun profile picture

<3 fun

peek-a-boo- ima- hump- you

About Me

i laugh at most things, ive made some mistakes and lost amazing friends because of it, i hope it snows so i can build a jump and sled off it, i read a book a week, im happier then ive ever been, i live for fun

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

people who laugh, and make me laugh and know obscure facts about wizardry and kung fu movies and want to do things like shoot airsoft guns off my deck and have dew slamming races.. anyone who wants to have fun and has no shame .


ringworm. earth crisis. biohazard.


What About Bob, The Big Lebowski, The Fountain, The Princess Bride, Anchorman, Mr Brooks, Arlington Road, Life is Beautiful, Edward Sissorhands, Flushed Away.


the office, man versus wild, 30 rock, intervention


dante's club

My Blog


 the summer is excellent, minus the shitbag rain. fuck you rain and your wetness, asshole.From, katie
Posted by <3 fun on Wed, 20 Jun 2007 08:29:00 PST