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I'm a Gypsy by nature, a Pirate by design. It's in me blood to move about, to live and work wherever the winds may carry me. I am known as Jezabel "Jezzy" MacPeaks, The Pirate Queen, at Medieval Faires and Renaissance Festivals across the country. My profession is that of a Booth Manager, selling costumes for "FIONA'S FINERIES", Leather Mugs for "YE DRAGON AND UNICORN", and briefly selling jewelry for "ENCHANTED CHAINS".

A little known fact is this, that ever since I was a little girl, I've loved Pirates! My first and favorite Pirate character was Captain Blood! I must admit that Erol Flynn was my first love. Of course, the Sea Hawk, Long John Silver and Treasure Island were among my favorites, too. Now, I'm a huge fan of "Pirates of the Caribbean" and Johnny Depp as Cap'n Jack Sparrow. It's amazing how similar the storyline and characters are between Long John Silver and POTC.
Further, dressing up as a Pirate and playing the part while working at the Medieval Faires and Renaissance Festivals is a much more fun way to earn a living. Not to mention, that chivalry still exists in THAT world. Gentlemen actually treat women like ladies, whether they be pirates, wenches or princesses.
There are VERY interesting people at these events. Pirates and Kings, Knights and Trolls, Reivers, Barbarians and Vikings
As for my personal life, I have born with great pride and love, three wonderful children. Each are independent and travel their own specific pathways, to be sure. They're much like their mother in that respect! All are successful on their chosen paths, to which I take great honor in having raised them to enjoy their individuality, encouraging them in whatever they took on, and loving them and being loved by them.


I have the most FUN and the best times of my life at Renaissance/Medieval Faires, and at Native American Powwows, as well. Unless you've experienced one or the other, you can't know how they can enrich your life! Attending these events takes you on a trip into the past, where you can escape the brutality and reality of your present-day world. You can experience the romance and beauty of times gone by, where people wear awesome garb/regalia, aka "costumes" of the period and talk the old talk. You can enjoy the dances and the music and learn different crafts and art. It's a beautiful and wonderful place to be!

God, the Creator, Great Spirit, whatever you choose to know Him by, keeps me alive and directs me on my path. I can do nothing without Him in my heart and soul. HE is my Father, the one who LOVES me unconditionally, and HE accepts me for who and what I am. He must have a humungous heart!!!
Native American powwows speak to my Spiritual side. I feel closest to the Creator when I'm dancing and singing in the circle. Native teachings place much emphasis on respect of our elders, raising children to love and respect their elders, each other, the earth and the Creator. Also, community and honor are very important to us as Natives. Something the mainstream society seems to have forgotten. You can learn more about that part of my life at my Homepage, LONGHOUSE OF THE SPIRIT

So, if you be a Rennie, Pirate, Royalty, Warrior, Dancer, Soldier or a member of a Soldier's Family, drop me a line! And if not, drop me a line, anyway.

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

I'd like to meet and hug every service member who volunteered to protect our country with their lives!

My Blog

Back to Work, Thank Goodness!

After being away from the faires I love for 8 months, I finally got the opportunity to break back in at the Kentucky Highland Ren Fest.It's a small faire and not so overwhelming that I can't handle it...
Posted by on Tue, 02 Jun 2009 18:24:00 GMT

Fienin' for a Faire!!!!

I MISS YOU! I MISS YOU, MISS YOU, MISS YOU, MISS YOU!!!!!! Who am I speaking to when I say "I MISS YOU!"? I mean YOU, you who are reading this right now!  If we've met before, then I definitely m...
Posted by on Fri, 01 May 2009 15:33:00 GMT

Tribute to Ben Tran, My Cousin

This will be short and simple, I think, only because my heart is tooheavy to write much, but I feel the need to express my deepest feelingsjust now.First off all, Ben, you will be sadly missed by your...
Posted by on Tue, 07 Apr 2009 15:03:00 GMT

On Being a Mother-In-Law

No, this blog is not about "becoming" a mother-in-law, I've already become that, and am about to become a mother-in-law again.  This blog is dealing with "BEING" a mother-in-law.*(1) Jokes about one's...
Posted by on Tue, 10 Mar 2009 08:36:00 GMT

Jezzy's Gonna Be a Star?

Well, I was informed today that a character, based on my character, Jezzy the Pyrate, is going to be in an upcoming book!  I'm so excited!  I must be, as I've not blogged on here in a long time, but I...
Posted by on Mon, 09 Mar 2009 20:25:00 GMT

Picking Up Where I Left Off...FINALLY!

Where did I leave off? Gees...Well, mom ended up in the hospital again...we moved her out of her apartment, then we had to take Mom back to the hospital in Louisville. They ran some tests and discover...
Posted by on Wed, 26 Nov 2008 06:09:00 GMT

Life...I think its killing me. *lol*

I'll try to keep this short but...we'll see!  I just wanted to let everyone know I'm thinking of you and I thank you for all your love, your prayers, and your well wishes both for the recovery of...
Posted by on Mon, 29 Sep 2008 05:21:00 GMT

End of Faire...Bad News...Need Prayer

What I feared, and the singular reason I decided to not do the faires full time was realized last evening.  As I was packing up the last gown at the end of GLMF my phone rang.  It was my sis...
Posted by on Mon, 11 Aug 2008 05:38:00 GMT

YOU, My Friends, Are Most Awesome!

I sit here even now with a lump in my throat as I recall the most overwhelming, warmest reception of my life!This past weekend, spent at Great Lakes Medieval Faire was heartwarming and joyful to say t...
Posted by on Tue, 29 Jul 2008 11:45:00 GMT

No Rest for the W...

God, be with my Mom as she undergoes heart surgery again!  Be with the family as we sit at her side and give her all the love and support we can.  Be with me, only because as I came home I w...
Posted by on Mon, 02 Jun 2008 19:36:00 GMT