if i haven't written you back yet this is probably why...
I like tennis
I like archery
I like paintball
I like Root Beer
I like computers
I like electronics
I like my corolla (R.I.P.)
I like playing video games
I like blue LEDs
I like editing
I like proving people wrong
I like bullying bullies
I like driving to nowhere
I like being the only sober one
I like hitting shopping carts with my car
I like the beach
I like squeezing in to go to the drive-in
I like setting the backs of paper airplanes on fire then throwing them
I like denying we were burning something
I like the sega channel
I like driving people home only to end up talking for hours in their driveway
I like music
I like having 2 best friends from elementary school.
I like the skid pad
I like gluing my car back together
I hate people getting in my face, dont do it unless your friends have the strength to pull me off of you.
I hate getting slapped in the face by a guy... if your chick enough to slap, your not worth your manhood.
I hate when people diss music. people like different things, move on. country music doesnt suck, Garth Brooks is the third highest artist in record sales.
I hate when people try to be something their not. if someone dosnt like you for who you are, they're not worth being friends with in the first place.
I hate tools.
I hate gossip.
I hate when people try to "keep it real" or get "hard core" with me. i dont care how big you are or how many friends you have with you... you dont intimidate me, pick another target.
I hate how cheap of a quality things have become.
I hate when people release their stress on me. if you want to come to me for advise or just to talk to, thats cool, but dont snap or yell at me cause you had a bad day. you can deal with stress in a different way, all you have to do is try.
I hate Myspace.
basically if you can work around all that we have a good shot at being/staying friends. and if you want to be my "friend" on here, send me a message first. i dont add people i dont know.