"B-Rude is my emotional rage, vicious optimism with a dash oftongue in chic' in fashion form. I design clothes for those who liketheir reputation to arrive in the room ahead of them. You don'thave to be an attention seeker, however, attention seeking hasbecome a bit of a crime, especially for gay men over the lastdecade.
The price of assimilation is a loss of identity and I for one long forsome of that glorious 'rock n roll ambiguity. Add to this, the factthat straight male vanity has finally caught up with the 'queer'variety and there has been what can only be described as a'hijacking of camp' by straight guys. Terms like 'meterosexuality'
are being thrown around in a feeble attempt to explain whystraight boys are spending longer in front of the mirror and whythe queer boys are dressing like they have come to fix yourplumbing.
'B-rude' is an attempt to throw yet another visual spanner in theworks and further blur those boundaries which pigeonhole us alland prove nothing. Certainly we hope to attract the androgynousinto our colourful closet but I'm also keen to see the rude logopopping out from a pair of worn Levi's. The devil really is in thedetail.
“She was trying to explain fashion. I stopped her and said “There isno point to fashionâ€."
–Boy George