Phoenix Soundworks profile picture

Phoenix Soundworks

I am here for Networking

About Me
Phoenix Soundworks is a small independant music retailer based in Earls Barton, Northants, UK.
In these net trawling, ebay times we live in, we at Phoenix Soundworks still pride ourselves in a little thing called customer service... that ebay bargain is not always what it seems and the cheapest net deal is not always the best deal. We will be here to back you up if you have any problems.
That said; we are more often than not, cheaper than many internet sharks - always get a price from us before you send your money off on its merry travels to god knows where!
call Dunc or Steve on 01604 466499

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

Musicians, sound engineers, solo performers, religious organisations, clubs, pubs, schools, colleges, businesses etc.
Anyone who needs to buy or hire sound equipment.

My Blog

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