Stacy profile picture


it is OFFICIALLY knitting season.

About Me

oh k so i haven't does this "about me" section in a while and i figured it time for an update. . .over the past year i have had my ups and downs just as everyone has but i feel as if there were only a couple of people REALLY there for me through it all. my illusions of good friends has become a reality and i have come to peace with that.i live a different life then what i had a year ago and for this i am thankful. i'm thankful for the fact that my eyes have been opened and have become a better person through it all. i'm thankful for the people who have impacted my life, good or bad, they have taught me valuable lessons. lessons of truth, of denial, of pain, of happiness, of joy, and of life."Learn from yesterday, live for today, hope for tomorrow."I edited my profile with Thomas' Myspace Editor V4.4

My Interests

I love to golf, hang out and party it up sometimes. i love to meet new nice people and going to new places.

I'd like to meet:

I would like to get to know a little about everyone....but since that is physically impossible i'll settle for anyone who has the time to get to know me.


I'm a HUGE fan of good classic music. The Oldie's Channel is definately tuned into my radio. However, when i'm not rockin out to Marvin Gaye, Tom Petty, or Johny Cash you could almost bet on me listening to Jack. He's my all time favorite. But, if i'm not listening to him then i'm down for whatever... well except screamo.....


I love movies that make your side hurt cuz you laugh so much. BUT when those aren't available i like the sentimental chick flicks. I would list them but lets be honest's not like your going to read them all.....


I am definately a big fan of Oprah....she's great. I also like desperate house wives, BUT LOVE grey's anatomy. Oh yeah.. nip/tuck is good too.


Fast Food Nation, Harry Potter, The DaVinci Code.....
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My mom! she's got it going on! :)

My Blog

China.. In a NUT shell.

Summer was a blast. To some people an AWESOME summer is one of numerous drunken nights and partyin late ALL THE TIME. No, not to me anymore. I had a really nice DETERMINED summer. Took a summer class...
Posted by Stacy on Sun, 13 Aug 2006 09:31:00 PST

Growing apart...

    I understand fully that two people most likely aren't going to be friends forever (unless you marry them...and this is a different situation all together)  and that friends DO ...
Posted by Stacy on Wed, 12 Apr 2006 04:28:00 PST