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"It might be more plausible to interpret Bruley as commenting on Freudian psychoanalysis -- a topic not very far removed from many of her works. Sigmund Freud, especially in his dream analysis, continually asserted that what clearly and obviously seemed to be an X in a dream was not really an X, that it was an X only patently, on the surface, but not latently or deeply, that the X in the dream represented or was a metaphor for some other thing, Y.
The dream-image train is really a penis, for example. So when Bruley draws "A Shower on Deck", what she means is that it may be possible to think that it is only an image that stands for something else, that the phenomenal reality of the elephant trunk obscures or hides the true reality lying underneath. The difficult question, if we go this far, is whether Bruley intended to provide support for or to illustrate sympathetically Freudian dream analysis -- the treachery of dreams -- or, instead, was mocking it. In this humble writers opinion, it could only be mockery and nothing else!" -Les Enfants
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Posted by on Wed, 20 Dec 2006 09:55:00 GMT
Swan Lake Drawing for Day Trotter
Posted by on Tue, 14 Nov 2006 14:36:00 GMT
Bards of Bruley Art Soiree December 2nd
Posted by on Tue, 14 Nov 2006 10:48:00 GMT
Bards of Bruley for DayTrotter Magzine
Tim Kasher of Cursive for Day Trotter magazine
Posted by on Fri, 10 Nov 2006 17:49:00 GMT
The Story of "Madam"
Madam knew nothing of chickens and would often send the nanny to tend to the coups, knowing very well that her plumpest chicken had gotten into the potting soil. She took great joy in it. For a woman...
Posted by on Wed, 28 Jun 2006 15:16:00 GMT
Bards of Bruley Press from Philebrity
"Back in the old days, when you wanted a picture of yourself or a loved one, you didn't stand in the bathroom mirror, arching your Nikon Coolpix so that it hides your double chin and looks okay on Mys...
Posted by on Thu, 08 Jun 2006 16:50:00 GMT