Booking Trendwende Berlin Yasmin:
[email protected]
Dirty room started his carreer as an electronic music composer in 1999 experimenting with old school softwares fusing his own guitarriffs with funky and psychodelic sounds. After finishing his studies of Soundtechnics and Music Production he devoted himself to the minimalistic spektral sounds and structures and for the first time thinking of the dancefloor. Since that time he played his fervent livesets in his hometown Buenos Aires in Clubs like Bahrein and Levitar. In mai 2008 he moved to Barcelona where together with Tacito gave life to the duo Morikkis, project that set on fire the dancefloors of renowned Clubs from Europe like Cityhall and 242 afterclub in Barcelona, Bar25 in Berlin and Public Life in London.
2009 finds Berlin-based producer Dirty Room working on his liveact, producing and touring arounde Europe.
dirty room began seine kompositorische Laufbahn 1999 mit experimentellen Tracks, bei denen er eigene Gitarrenriffs zwischen Funk und Psychodelic einspielte. Nach seinem Studium der Tontechnik und des Soundesign widmete er sich den minimalistischen Klangspektren und komponierte erstmalig vorwiegend für die Tanzfläche. Seitdem hat er seine feurige Live-Sets in den renomiersten Clubs seiner Heimat Buenos Aires (Bahrein, Levitar) zum Besten gegeben. Im Mai 2008 folgte der Umzug nach Barcelona wo er mit Tacito sein gemeinsames Projekt Morikkis anging und das Publikum von Cityhall und 242 afterclub, der Berliner Bar25 und Strandbar31 und des Londoner Public Life in Extase versetzte.
Gigs 2009:
12.06 - Live @ Airdrop’s Summer Invasion Tour Kick Off @ Bar25, Berlin
05.06 - Live @ DAZE, Berlin
25.04 - Live w/Tacito @ Misstake @ Horse & Groom, London
10.04 - Live @ STUDIO 54 TACHELES, Berlin
03.04 - Live @ DAZE, Berlin
21.02 - Live @ Profound Label Night @ Tacheles, Berlin
14.02 - Live @ Tacheles Top Floor, Berlin
13.02 - Live @ Vergissmeinnichtpartys @ VILLA, Berlin
09.02 - Live @ NBI CLUB, Berlin
23.01 - Dirty Room & Tacito LIVE @ vergissmeinnicht @ VILLA, Berlin
17.01 - Live @ 5th Floor TACHELES, Berlin
16.01 - Live @ E-MAXII :vorWien
Gigs 2008:
30.11 - Morikkis Live @ Public Life, London
12.09 - Morikkis Live @ Strandbar31, Kamenz
28.08 - Morikkis Live @ UC Isladencanta, Barcelona
26.08 - Morikkis Live @ GET FUNK'D, Cityhall, Barcelona
25.07 - Morikkis Live @ FUSE, Barcelona
18.07 - Morikkis Live @ FUSE, Barcelona
03.07 - Morikkis Live @ Spiel-trieb streaming radio, Berlin
29.06 - Morikkis Live @ Bar 25, Berlin
30.05 - Morikkis Live @ Terminal B, Barcelona
23.05 - Morikkis Live @ UC Isladencanta, Barcelona
01.05 - Dirty Room Live @ Dorian Gray, Córdoba, ARG
24.04 - Dirty Room Live @ Levitar, Buenos Aires
17.04 - Dirty Room Live @ Bahrein, Buenos Aires
06.03 - Dirty Room Live @ Levitar, Buenos Aires
31.01 - Dirty Room Live @ Bahrein, Buenos Aires
Reborn EP - Conteudo Records
Wrapped Heart EP - Trebol Records
El Ocaso EP - Unlock Recordings
Restart EP - Guti vs. Dirty Room - ich kenne keine stiefken - Vekton Musik
Various Stereo Park - Dirty Room - trap - Vekton Musik
Hurry EP - Dirty Room & Fase Miusic Sender - Vekton Musik
Activa EP - Morikkis (Dirty Room & Tacito) - Vekton Musik
Nubios Remixes - Atmosfera Recordings
Juan Rojo - Lime
Jose M. Ochoa - Empty Minds - Trebol Records
M.N.L. - Laberintos Verdes - Attary Records
Audiomindz - Caveman - Influential House Records
Dirty Room - Itches EP ADDIG 008
New music re ignites the soul!
Dirty Room - Live @ Tacheles Berlin 160109 by dirty room
dirty room - in there by dirty room
Dirty Room & Tácito - Live @ vergissmeinnichtpartys, Berlin 230109 by Morikkis