Ernesto profile picture


You know i don't speak spanish

About Me

Myspace LayoutsMy current job is in the world of retail.My future lies as a comic artist. I currently sell some of my drawings on ebay under the guise of Ernie.I am also a big hockey fan ,my favorite team is the philadelphia flyers. I am happily married with a beautiful baby girl.I also have anoher child ,our cat Stewie.

My Interests

comic books,art,animation,drawing,hockey (go flyers!!!!),animals

I'd like to meet:

martin luther king, michealangelo,george carlin,kevin smith, jim lee, any one associted with gaijin studios,peter jackson, spielberg,audioslave,more to be added later


Mainly rock bands, especially hair bands from the 80's, some hip hop,movie soundtracks,all types of music really.


All 3 lord of the rings,star wars, the matrix,ron burgundy, airplane,pulp fiction,disney and pixar animation,batman begins,spiderman,actually too many others to mention.

Myspace Images @ PimpMyCom Rules!


lost,sopranos,the office,amazing race,samurai champloo,adult swim shows( harvey birdman,venture bros,robot chicken),family guy,simpsons,seinfeld,smallville,


Anyone that has acheived what they set out to do.

My Blog

SHE'S HERE !!!!!!

Alessandra Grace Figueroa is finally here.She came in at a weight of 7lbs 3oz and measured 21 inches. She is doing very well and mom and i were finally able to hold her sunday . Mom is doing very well...
Posted by Ernesto on Mon, 14 Aug 2006 06:05:00 PST


Hey everyone just wanted to give a head's up on what's going on in my life lately.As some of you may have heard my wife and i are going in to the hospital saturday. Our baby girl is still feet down so...
Posted by Ernesto on Sat, 12 Aug 2006 07:33:00 PST

Catching up.....

I'm gonna start posting a blog and some pictures finally.I don't think think anyone really gives a crap but whatever,here goes.  Tom and i went to the wizardworld comic con in philly. The show w...
Posted by Ernesto on Thu, 15 Jun 2006 07:15:00 PST