I AM A VERY SPOILED GIRL!! I LIKE ALL EYES ON ME! Yaayy me!!! Well i was established Sept. 19, 1981 and I have been shining every since....I have a bubbly/colorful personality and i love to express myself through clothes and make-up!! And of course the Queen has a King along with our 2 princesses/2 princes!! I have had my share of mountains to climb and have prevailed over them all!! Life is what you make of it and i just found that out at 25yrs of age.But on the upside of things..." I MUST HAVE BEEN DROPPED IN GLITTER AT BIRTH CAUSE WAT...I'VE BEEN SHINING EVERY SINCE!!! :-) ha HA I AM SO HAPPPPPPPY;-)SO I HOPE WHEN YOU VIEW MY PAGE IT WILL PASS ON TO YOU;-)